Edit Markdown Tables from Neovim
is a simple plugin which makes updating markdown tables a breeze, even for tables with lengthy strings. See the preview for a demo.
Using lazy.nvim
config = true,
dependencies = { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" },
cmd = "EditMarkdownTable",
parser installed (:TSInstall markdown
)Place your cursor on the cell of the markdown table that you want to edit.
:lua require('edit-markdown-table').edit_cell() -- or :EditMarkdownTable
In this example, we are editing this example. You can see that especially when wrap
is turned on, it can be difficult to get a clear view of what you are editing. This plugin simplifies this process by opening a dialog with the text of the current cell so you can make your changes and apply them back to the table.
This plugin uses vim.ui.input
for the input dialog. In this preview, I am using dressing.nvim
to provide the UI with the following configuration:
input = {
enabled = true,
start_in_insert = false,
win_options = {
winblend = 0,
wrap = true,