This is a minimal tabline, that's it.
Make sure you are using Neovim (v0.6.0) or the latest neovim nightly.
Using vim-plug
Plug 'koenverburg/minimal-tabline.nvim'
Using dein
call dein#add('koenverburg/minimal-tabline.nvim')
Using packer.nvim
use 'koenverburg/minimal-tabline.nvim'
The layout of the tab is as follows <index> <filename> <modified_sign> (<N of panes>)
The tab_index
, pane_count
are turned off by default but can be turned on as desired. This also counts for the modified_sign
which can be turn off, its on by default.
enable = true,
file_name = true,
tab_index = false,
pane_count = false,
modified_sign = true,
hide_on_single_tab = true,
no_name = '[No Name]'