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2 years ago


License: MIT

Compile your code and explore assembly from Neovim using the compiler-explorer REST API. Supercharged by vim.ui, vim.notify and vim.diagnostic.



Preview This is what the interface looks like using the vim.ui provided by dressing.nvim with the fzf-lua backend and the vim.notify provided by nvim-notify.


  • Compile code asynchronously using vim.loop.
  • Select compiler interactively using or pass it as a vim command parameter.
  • Compile visual selections.
  • Send compiler warnings and errors to the quickfix list.
  • Highlight matching lines between source code and assembly.
  • Show binary output (opcodes and address) using virtual text.
  • Format code.
  • Add libraries.
  • Show tooltips about specific instructions.
  • Jump to label definitions.
  • Load example code.
  • Open the website with the local state (source code and compilers).


You can verify these dependencies by running :checkhealth compiler-explorer



  use {'krady21/compiler-explorer.nvim'}


require("paq") {


Plug 'krady21/compiler-explorer.nvim'


The suggested way to use compiler-explorer.nvim is through the vim commands provided. You can refer to :h compiler-explorer-commands or the table below:

Command Description Called from
:CECompile Compile the source code in the current buffer and dump assembly output to a new window. Also accepts a visual selection. source code buffer
:CECompileLive Same as :CECompile, but it will also try to recompile the source code every time the buffer is saved. source code buffer
:CEFormat Format the source code. source code buffer
:CEAddLibrary Add a library to be used by future calls of :CECompile. source code buffer
:CELoadExample Load an existing code example to a new tab. any buffer
:CEOpenWebsite Open the website using the source code and compilers from previous :CECompile calls. any buffer
:CEDeleteCache Clear the json cache where the compilers and languages are stored. any buffer
:CEShowTooltip Show information about a specific instruction under cursor. assembly buffer
:CEGotoLabel Jump to the label definition under cursor. assembly buffer
  • :CECompile will prompt the user to select the compiler and flags interactively using and vim.ui.input.
  • :CECompile compiler=g121 flags=-O2 flags=-Wall specify the compiler and flags as command arguments.
  • ':<,'>CECompile will compile a visual selection.
  • :CECompile! will open the assembly output in a new window. Not adding bang (!) will reuse the last assembly window.
  • :CECompile inferLang=false do not infer possible language (based on file extension). Will prompt user to select the language before selecting the compiler.
  • :CECompile binary=true show binary opcodes and address using virtual text.
  • :CECompile intel=false use AT&T syntax instead of intel.
  • :CECompileLive creates an autcommand that runs :CECompile every time the buffer is saved (BufWritePost).


compiler-explorer.nvim works out of the box without configuration. If you want to change some of its options (like using a local instance of compiler-explorer), you can do so through the setup() function.

  url = "",
  infer_lang = true, -- Try to infer possible language based on file extension.
  line_match = {
    highlight = false, -- highlight the matching line(s) in the other buffer.
    jump = false, -- move the cursor in the other buffer to the first matching line.
  open_qflist = false, --  Open qflist after compilation if there are diagnostics.
  split = "split", -- How to split the window after the second compile (split/vsplit).
  compiler_flags = "", -- Default flags passed to the compiler.
  job_timeout_ms = 25000, -- Timeout for libuv job in milliseconds.
  languages = { -- Language specific default compiler/flags
    --c = {
    --  compiler = "g121",
    --  compiler_flags = "-O2 -Wall",

API Coverage:

  • GET /api/languages
  • GET /api/compilers/<lang-id>
  • GET /api/libraries/<lang-id>
  • GET /api/shortlinkinfo/<link-id>
  • POST /api/compiler/<compiler-id>/compile
  • GET /api/formats
  • POST /api/format/<formatter>
  • GET /api/asm/<instruction-set>/<instruction>
  • GET /source/builtin/list
  • GET /source/builtin/load/<lang-id>/<example-id>
  • GET /clientstate/<base64>

You can find the full API docs here.

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