Spiritual successor of https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim
Main differences to packer.nvim:
tags, branches, revisionsIf you want to automatically install and set up pckr.nvim
on any machine you clone your configuration to,
add the following snippet somewhere in your config before your first usage of pckr
local function bootstrap_pckr()
local pckr_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/pckr/pckr.nvim"
if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(pckr_path) then
-- My plugins here
-- 'foo1/bar1.nvim';
-- 'foo2/bar2.nvim';
-- This file can be loaded by calling `lua require('plugins')` from your init.vim
local cmd = require('pckr.loader.cmd')
local keys = require('pckr.loader.keys')
-- Simple plugins can be specified as strings
-- Lazy loading:
-- Load on a specific command
cond = {
-- Load on specific keymap
{'tpope/vim-commentary', cond = keys('n', 'gc') },
-- Load on specific commands
-- Also run code after load (see the "config" key)
{ 'w0rp/ale',
cond = cmd('ALEEnable'),
config = function()
-- Local plugins can be included
-- Plugins can have post-install/update hooks
{'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', run = 'cd app && yarn install', cond = cmd('MarkdownPreview')};
-- Post-install/update hook with neovim command
{ 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', run = ':TSUpdate' };
-- Post-install/update hook with call of vimscript function with argument
{ 'glacambre/firenvim', run = function()
end };
-- Use specific branch, dependency and run lua file after load
{ 'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim',
branch = 'main',
requires = {'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'},
config = function()
-- Run config *before* the plugin is loaded
{'whatyouhide/vim-lengthmatters', config_pre = function()
vim.g.lengthmatters_highlight_one_column = 1
vim.g.lengthmatters_excluded = {'pckr'}
provides the following commands.
" Remove any disabled or unused plugins
:Pckr clean
" Install missing plugins
:Pckr install [plugin]+
" Update installed plugins
:Pckr update [plugin]+
" Upgrade pckr.nvim
:Pckr upgrade
" Clean, install, update and upgrade
:Pckr sync [plugin]+
" View status of plugins
:Pckr status
" Create a lockfile of plugins with their current commits
:Pckr lock
" Restore plugins using saved lockfile
:Pckr restore
The following is a more in-depth explanation of pckr
's features and use.
and add
, which is used in the above examples
where spec
is a table specifying a single or multiple plugins.
can be used to provide custom configuration (note that this is optional).
The default configuration values (and structure of the configuration table) are:
pack_dir = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('data'), 'site'),
max_jobs = nil, -- Limit the number of simultaneous jobs. nil means no limit
autoremove = false, -- Remove unused plugins
autoinstall = true, -- Auto install plugins
git = {
cmd = 'git', -- The base command for git operations
clone_timeout = 60, -- Timeout, in seconds, for git clones
default_url_format = 'https://github.com/%s' -- Lua format string used for "aaa/bbb" style plugins
log = { level = 'warn' }, -- The default print log level. One of: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal".
opt_dir = ...,
start_dir = ...,
lockfile = {
path = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('config', 'pckr', 'lockfile.lua'))
is based around declarative specification of plugins.
paths (treated as Github git
plugins)Plugin specs can take two forms:
'myusername/example', -- The plugin location string
-- The following keys are all optional
-- Specifies a git branch to use
branch: string?,
-- Specifies a git tag to use. Supports '*' for "latest tag"
tag: string?,
-- Specifies a git commit to use
commit: string?,
-- Skip updating this plugin in updates/syncs. Still cleans.
lock: boolean?,
-- Post-update/install hook. See "update/install hooks".
run: string|function,
-- Specifies plugin dependencies. See "dependencies".
requires: string|string[],
-- Specifies code to run after this plugin is loaded. If string then require it.
-- E.g:
-- config = function() require('mod') end
-- is equivalent to:
-- config = 'mod'
config: string|function,
-- Specifies code to run before this plugin is loaded. If string then require it.
config_pre: string|function,
cond: function|function[], -- Specifies custom loader
You may specify operations to be run after successful installs/updates of a plugin with the run
key. This key may either be a Lua function, which will be called with the plugin
table for this
plugin (containing the information passed to the spec as well as output from the installation/update
commands, the installation path of the plugin, etc.), a string, or a table of functions and strings.
If an element of run
is a string, then either:
is ":", it is treated as a Neovim command and executed.run
is treated as a shell command and run in the installation directory of the
plugin via $SHELL -c '<run>'
.Plugins may specify dependencies via the requires
key. This key can be a string or a list (table).
If requires
is a string, it is treated as specifying a single plugin. If a plugin with the name
given in requires
is already known in the managed set, nothing happens. Otherwise, the string is
treated as a plugin location string and the corresponding plugin is added to the managed set.
If requires
is a list, it is treated as a list of plugin specifications following the format given
Plugins specified in requires
are removed when no active plugins require them.
🚧 TODO: explain that plugins can only be specified as a table once.
A custom loader for a plugin may be specified via cond
This is a function which has a function as its first argument.
When this function argument is called, the plugin is loaded.
For example, the following plugin is lazy-loaded on the key mapping ga
{"my/plugin", cond = function(load_plugin)
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ga', function()
vim.keymap.del('n', 'ga')
-- equivalent to --
local keys = require('pckr.loader.keys')
{"my/plugin", cond = keys('n', 'ga') },
This snippet can be used to automatically detect local plugins in a particular directory.
local local_plugin_dir = vim.env.HOME..'/projects/'
local function resolve(x)
if type(x) == 'string' and x:sub(1, 1) ~= '/' then
local name = vim.split(x, '/')[2]
local loc_install = vim.fs.join_paths(local_plugin_dir, name)
if name ~= '' and vim.fn.isdirectory(loc_install) == 1 then
return loc_install
local function try_get_local(spec)
if type(spec) == 'string' then
return resolve(spec) or spec
if not spec or type(spec[1]) ~= 'string' then
return spec
return resolve(spec[1]) or spec[1]
local function walk_spec(spec, field, fn)
if type(spec[field]) == 'table' then
for j in ipairs(spec[field]) do
walk_spec(spec[field], j, fn)
walk_spec(spec[field], 'requires', fn)
spec[field] = fn(spec[field])
local init {
-- plugins spec
walk_spec({init}, 1, try_get_local)
logs to stdpath(cache)/pckr.nvim.log
. Looking at this file is usually a good start
if something isn't working as expected.