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7 days ago


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A fast and easy-to-use HTTP-Rest-Client plugin for Neovim, completely written in LUA.




These are the features that contribute to this goal:

  • meaningful error messages by editing the input file
  • completion (if hrsh7th/nvim-cmp is installed) for mainly used headers and possible configurations
  • different variables types: from environment variables, shell commands (with cache), input prompt or values
  • executing from LUA scripts (post request hook)
  • display the values of defined variables without executing the request (simple setting the cursor on the variable-replacement)
  • further processing from json result with jq
  • create your own favorite list with nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim (if installed) for finding often used request in a large input file
  • write the request definition in which file you want (nearby to the code, where you have implement the rest service)
  • show information about duration of parsing and executing from the request


  • packer.nvim:

    use {
      requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
  • lazy.nvim:

      dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },

Supported Neovim versions:

  • Latest nightly
  • 0.10.x


  • curl (mandatory) execute the request definition
  • jq (optional, but recommended) query the response body
  • nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim plugin (optional), for using a listing of available favorites
  • hrsh7th/nvim-cmp plugin (optional) for headers and configurations completion


  • global and local variable definition (optional):
    • @[variable-name]=[value] or @[variable-name]={{variable-replacement}}
    • variable-replacement: shell command, environment variable or input prompt
      • variable-replacement are supported in: url, variable-, header- and query-values,
    • configuration variables: for curl (timeout, insecure, proxy, ...) or for resty (check_json_body)
  • request definition
  • headers and or query parameter (optional)
  • json-body (optional), after the json-body must the request definition ends or an blank line follows
  • LUA-script (post request hook) (optional), after the script must the request definition ends or an blank line follows
  • other:
    • #: comments
    • ###: delimiter, if more as one request definition, or text before and/or after exist
    • ### #my favorite : delimiter, with defining a favorite ('my favorite') for the easy to finding the request definition

Syntax highlight

There are two supported filetypes:

  • http: needs a treesitter installation. This filetype is not 100% compatible!
  • resty: has his own vim syntax highlight and don't need additional installations

Syntax in action

# variable for the hostname
@hostname =          # variable with value
@hostname = {{$HOSTNAME}}        # from environment variable (start symbol: '$')
@hostname = {{>  ./}} # from script (start symbol: '>')
@hostname = {{>> ./}} # from script (start symbol: '>>'), the result will be cached
@hostname = {{:hostname}}        # with input prompt (start symbol: ':')

# prefix: @cfg. means configuration from curl and/or resty
@cfg.timeout = 1000              # curl configuration for timeout 
@cfg.check_json_body = true      # resty configuration to validate the json body

###  #my favorite
GET https://{{hostname}}/get?id=7
# you can click (set the cursor) on {{hostname}} and get displayed the current value
accept: application/json  
# id = 7 this equivalent to ?id=7

# local variable overwrites global variable
@hostname =

POST https://{{hostname}}/comments
accept: application/json  

{ "comment": "my comment" }

In LUA scripts you can use an ctx table, which has access to the following properties and methods:

local ctx = {
    -- result of the current request
    -- body = '{}', status = 200, headers = {}, exit = 0, global_variables = {}
    result = ...,
    -- set global variables with key and value
    set = function(key, value) end,
    -- parse the JSON body
    json_body = function() end,
    -- jq to the body
    jq_body = function(filter) end,


User command Description
:Resty run run request under the cursor OR in visual mode run the marked request rows
:Resty run [request definition] run request which is given by input, rows are seperated by \n (you can simulate \n with <C-v><CR> in command mode)
:Resty last run last successfully executed request
:Resty favorite show a telescope view with all as favorite marked requests
:Resty favorite [my favorite] run marked request my favorite, independend, where the cursor is or in which buffer

Examples for using a command with a keymap configuration:

vim.keymap.set({"n","v"},"<leader>rr", ":Resty run<CR>",{desc="[R]esty [R]un request under the cursor"})
vim.keymap.set({"n","v"},"<leader>rv", ":Resty favorite<CR>",{desc="[R]esty [V]iew favorites"})

Response|Result view

There are four views for the result (the rest-call-response)

view short cut description
body b response body
headers h response headers
info i shows information from the call and response
? ? shows help information for keybindings

Short cuts for the view: body

jq must be installed!

short cut description
p json pretty print
q jq query
r reset to the origininal json

Hint: with cc can the curl call canceled.


Give a star for this great project ;-)

Authorization: Bearer {{my-token}}
Accept: application/vnd.github+json

Login with saving the result token

accept: application/json  
Content-type: application/json ; charset=UTF-8

    "email": "",
    "password": "cityslicka"

# response: { "token": "QpwL5tke4Pnpja7X4" }
# save the token into the variable: {{login.token}}

  local body = ctx.json_body()
  ctx.set("login.token", body.token)

Call with query parameter

delay = 1

### both are the same

Post with body

accept: application/json  
Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

   "name": "MY Apple MacBook Pro 16",
   "data": {
      "year": 2019,
      "price": 1849.99,
      "CPU model": "Intel Core i9",
      "Hard disk size": "1 TB"