Leave Vim behind, this is the next generation of lin.vim.
lin.nvim is a highly configured Neovim distribution integrated with tons of utilities for development, inspired by spf13-vim.
Aim to be out-of-box, IDE-like editing experience, performant, lightweight and friendly to most Neovim users. Focus on and only on editing, no compiling/packaging/debugging.
This ultra config solves below issues:
Check out features for what it can do, colorschemes for pretty colorschemes and icons, the philosophy I follow when maintaining this distro.
For MacOS please install Xcode and homebrew as pre-requirements.
git clone https://github.com/linrongbin16/lin.nvim ~/.nvim && cd ~/.nvim && ./install
And that's all of it.
Install Visual Studio with MSVC components:
Install Python 3 (Note: python 2 is no longer supported).
Install Node.js.
Run below PowerShell commands:
# scoop
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
irm get.scoop.sh | iex
git clone https://github.com/linrongbin16/lin.nvim $env:USERPROFILE\.nvim
cd $env:USERPROFILE\.nvim
Check out installation for more details.
Patched font is mandatory for displaying icons.
Even Hack Nerd Font is been installed during installation, you still need to manually config it in your terminal, such as gnome-terminal (Ubuntu), item2 (MacOS), Windows Terminal (Windows), kitty, alacritty, wezterm, etc.
Check out user guide for full features, plugins, key mappings and customizations.
Please open issue/PR for anything about lin.nvim.
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