Manage your temporary buffers
This plugin depends on nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
This plugin is for neovim only. Version 0.7+ is required.
return {
'm-demare/attempt.nvim', -- No need to specify plenary as dependency
use {
requires = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim',
-- Optional
use {
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' },
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim' }
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'm-demare/attempt.nvim'
" Optional
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim'
If you are ok with the default settings:
To change them
dir = (unix and '/tmp/' or vim.fn.expand '$TEMP\\') .. 'attempt.nvim' .. path_separator,
autosave = false,
list_buffers = false, -- This will make them show on other pickers (like :Telescope buffers)
initial_content = {
py = initial_content_fn, -- Either string or function that returns the initial content
c = initial_content_fn,
cpp = initial_content_fn,
java = initial_content_fn,
rs = initial_content_fn,
go = initial_content_fn,
sh = initial_content_fn
ext_options = { 'lua', 'js', 'py', 'cpp', 'c', '' }, -- Options to choose from
format_opts = { [''] = '[None]' }, -- How they'll look
run = {
py = { 'w !python' }, -- Either table of strings or lua functions
js = { 'w !node' },
ts = { 'w !deno run -' },
lua = { 'w' , 'luafile %' },
sh = { 'w !bash' },
pl = { 'w !perl' },
cpp = { 'w' , '!'.. cpp_compiler ..' %:p -o %:p:r.out && echo "" && %:p:r.out && rm %:p:r.out '},
c = { 'w' , '!'.. c_compiler ..' %:p -o %:p:r.out && echo "" && %:p:r.out && rm %:p:r.out'},
-- (You may omit the settings whose defaults you're ok with)
It's recommended to use either the telescope or the snacks.picker for opening your attempts, since they allow previewing the files' contents
To use the telescope picker for opening your attempts, add this somewhere after your
require('telescope').load_extension 'attempt'
You can customize this picker in the usual telescope way
To use the snacks.nvim picker for opening your attempts, you can use the following mapping:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>al', require('attempt.snacks').picker)
By default, no keymaps are created. To use the basic presets, you can do:
local attempt = require('attempt')
local map = vim.keymap.set
map('n', '<leader>an', attempt.new_select) -- new attempt, selecting extension
map('n', '<leader>ai', attempt.new_input_ext) -- new attempt, inputing extension
map('n', '<leader>ar', -- run attempt
map('n', '<leader>ad', attempt.delete_buf) -- delete attempt from current buffer
map('n', '<leader>ac', attempt.rename_buf) -- rename attempt from current buffer
map('n', '<leader>al', 'Telescope attempt') -- search through attempts
--or: map('n', '<leader>al', require('attempt.snacks').picker)
--or: map('n', '<leader>al', attempt.open_select) -- use instead of telescope/snacks.nvim
See :h attempt-interface
for more customized setups