Written in lua for nvim
Inspired by vscode-twoslash-queries, this plugin allows you to print typescript types as inline virtual text and dynamically update it instantly without having to move the cursor over the inspected variable
This is particularly useful when you are playing with complex typescript types:
Make sure you have typescript language server properly installed and configured (personally I use Mason and Lspconfig plugins)
Then attach it on your tsserver in lspconfig setup
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
require("twoslash-queries").attach(client, bufnr)
Optionally you can define a custom keymap for TwoslashQueriesInspect command
You can override default config use setup function:
config = function()
multi_line = true, -- to print types in multi line mode
is_enabled = false, -- to keep disabled at startup and enable it on request with the TwoslashQueriesEnable
highlight = "Type", -- to set up a highlight group for the virtual text
Default config:
Write a // ^?
placing the sign ^
under the variable to inspected:
const variableToInspect = ....
// ^?
Enable the plugin for the current session
Disable the plugin for the current session
Inspect variable under the cursor
Remove all twoslash queries in the current buffer
Please raise a PR if you are interested in adding new functionality or fixing any bugs. When submitting a bug, please include an example spec that can be tested.