Simple plugin that provides you due for the date string.
Using packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
require('due_nvim').setup {}
You may use another plugin manager, Plug for example. In that case you will still need to initialize it with lua:
lua << EOF
require('due_nvim').setup {}
Pass any of these settings to setup func to overwrite the defaults:
require('due_nvim').setup {
prescript = 'due: ', -- prescript to due data
prescript_hi = 'Comment', -- highlight group of it
due_hi = 'String', -- highlight group of the data itself
ft = '*.md', -- filename template to apply aucmds :)
today = 'TODAY', -- text for today's due
today_hi = 'Character', -- highlight group of today's due
overdue = 'OVERDUE', -- text for overdued
overdue_hi = 'Error', -- highlight group of overdued
date_hi = 'Conceal', -- highlight group of date string
pattern_start = '<', -- start for a date string pattern
pattern_end = '>', -- end for a date string pattern
-- lua patterns: in brackets are 'groups of data', their order is described
-- accordingly. More about lua patterns:
date_pattern = '(%d%d)%-(%d%d)', -- m, d
datetime_pattern = date_pattern .. ' (%d+):(%d%d)', -- m, d, h, min
datetime12_pattern = datetime_pattern .. ' (%a%a)', -- m, d, h, min, am/pm
fulldate_pattern = '(%d%d%d%d)%-' .. date_pattern, -- y, m, d
fulldatetime_pattern = '(%d%d%d%d)%-' .. datetime_pattern, -- y, m, d, h, min
fulldatetime12_pattern = fulldatetime_pattern .. ' (%a%a)', -- y, m, d, h, min, am/pm
-- idk how to allow to define the order by config yet,
-- but you can help me figure it out...
regex_hi = "\\d*-*\\d\\+-\\d\\+\\( \\d*:\\d*\\( \\a\\a\\)\\?\\)\\?",
-- vim regex for highlighting, notice double
-- backslashes cuz lua strings escaping
update_rate = use_clock_time and (use_seconds and 1000 or 60000) or 0,
-- selects the rate due clocks will update in
-- milliseconds. 0 or less disables it
use_clock_time = false, -- display also hours and minutes
use_clock_today = false, -- do it instead of TODAY
use_seconds = false, -- if use_clock_time == true, display seconds
-- as well
default_due_time = "midnight" -- if use_clock_time == true, calculate time
-- until option on specified date. Accepts
-- "midnight", for 23:59:59, or noon, for
-- 12:00:00
These are used to make it work..
require("due_nvim").draw(0) -- Draws it for a buffer (0 to current)
require("due_nvim").clean(0) -- Cleans the array from it
require("due_nvim").redraw(0) -- Cleans, then draws
require("due_nvim").async_update(0) -- Runs the async update function (needs update_rate > 0)