Divider line for neovim.
dividers = {},
enabled_filetypes = {},
highlight_current_divider = true,
current_divider_hl = "#0083a7",
ui = { direction = "vr", size = 40, enter = false },
dividers = {
-- regex used to match content of each divider
-- this is used by lua function string.match
regex = [[%%%%=+ ([%s%S]*) =+%%%%]],
-- highlight color
hl = "#ff00ff",
-- icon (string | nil)
icon = "",
-- icon color (string | nil)
icon_hl = "#ffff00",
-- whether to show in list (boolean | nil)
hide = false,
-- virtual mark around the dividing line
extmark = "-",
-- where to show virtual mark (top | bottom | both | nil, default is both)
extmark_pos = "both",
regex = [[%%%%%-+ ([%s%S]*) %-+%%%%]],
hl = "#ffff00",
icon = "",
regex = [[%%%% ([%s%S]*) %%%%]],
hl = "#00ff7c",
icon = "",
enabled_filetypes = { "lua" },
-- whether to highlight current divider in divider panel
highlight_current_divider = true,
-- background color of current divider
current_divider_hl = "#0083a7",
ui = {
-- 'vl'|'vr'|'ht'|'hb'
direction = "vr",
size = 40,
enter = false,
to refresh dividers.
to toggle the list window.
to copy dividers to clipboard.
on list window:
to navigate to the divider.h
to fold nodel
to expand node