Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim
[[#installation][Installation]] • [[#docs][Docs]] • [[#showcase][Showcase]] • [[file:./docs/troubleshoot.org][Troubleshoot]] • [[#plugins][Plugins]] • [[file:./docs/contributing.org][Contributing]] • [[#thanks-to][Kudos]]
** Quickstart
*** Requirements
*** Installation :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: installation :END:
Use your favourite package manager. We recommend [[https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim][lazy.nvim]]:
event = 'VeryLazy',
ft = { 'org' },
config = function()
-- Setup orgmode
org_agenda_files = '/orgfiles/**/*',
org_default_notes_file = '/orgfiles/refile.org',
-- NOTE: If you are using nvim-treesitter with ~ensure_installed = "all"~ option
-- add ~org~ to ignore_install
-- require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup({
-- ensure_installed = 'all',
-- ignore_install = { 'org' },
-- })
end, } #+END_SRC
For more installation options see [[file:./docs/installation.org][Installation]] page.
*** Docs :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: docs :END:
Online docs is available at [[https://nvim-orgmode.github.io]].
To view docs in orgmode format in Neovim, run =:Org help=.
Vim help docs is available at =:help orgmode.txt= *** Usage
If you are new to Orgmode, see [[file:./docs/index.org#getting-started][Getting started]] section in the Docs.
** Showcase :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: showcase :END:
*** Agenda
#+CAPTION: agenda #+NAME: agenda [[https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1782860/123549968-8521f600-d76b-11eb-9a93-02bad08b37ce.gif]]
*** Org file
#+CAPTION: orgfile #+NAME: orgfile [[https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1782860/123549982-90752180-d76b-11eb-8828-9edf9f76af08.gif]]
*** Capturing and refiling
#+CAPTION: capture #+NAME: capture [[https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1782860/123549993-9a972000-d76b-11eb-814b-b348a93df08a.gif]]
*** Autocompletion
#+CAPTION: autocomplete #+NAME: autocomplete [[https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1782860/123550227-e8605800-d76c-11eb-96f6-c0a677d562d4.gif]]
** Features
*** TL;DR
*** Detailed breakdown
Link to detailed documentation: [[./docs/index.org][DOCS]]
** Plugins Check [[file:./docs/plugins.org][Plugins]] page for list of plugins.
#+BEGIN_QUOTE NOTE: None of the Emacs Orgmode plugins will be built into nvim-orgmode. Anything that's a separate plugin in Emacs Orgmode should be a separate plugin in here. The point of this plugin is to provide functionality that's built into Emacs Orgmode core, and a good foundation for external plugins. #+END_QUOTE
If you want to build a plugin, post suggestions and improvements on [[https://github.com/nvim-orgmode/orgmode/issues/26][Plugins infrastructure]] issue.
** Thanks to :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: thanks-to :END: