Async formatting and linting utility for neovim 0.10+
For rocks.nvim
Rocks install guard.nvim
For lazy.nvim
-- lazy load by ft
ft = { "lua", "c", "markdown" },
-- Builtin configuration, optional
dependencies = {
To register formatters and linters:
local ft = require('guard.filetype')
-- Assuming you have guard-collection
-- Put this in your ftplugin/lang.lua to lazy load guard
-- change this anywhere in your config, these are the defaults
vim.g.guard_config = {
-- format on write to buffer
fmt_on_save = true,
-- use lsp if no formatter was defined for this filetype
lsp_as_default_formatter = false,
-- whether or not to save the buffer after formatting
save_on_fmt = true,
Guard fmt
to manually call format, when there is a visual selection only the selection is formatted. NOTE: Regional formatting just sends your selection to the formatter, if there's not enough context incoherent formatting might occur (e.g. indent being erased)Guard disable
disables auto format for the current buffer, you can also Guard disable 16
(the buffer number)Guard enable
to re-enable auto format, usage is the same as Guard disable
Format c files with clang-format and lint with clang-tidy:
Or use lsp to format lua files first, then format with stylua, then lint with selene:
Register multiple filetypes to a single linter or formatter:
Lint all your files with codespell
-- NB: this does not work with formatters
You can also easily create your own configuration that's not in guard-collection
, see
For more niche use cases, demonstrates how to: