Cursorword highlighting with callbacks support(I call this murmuring). Created with performance in mind.
Dynamic coloring of your cursorword:
IDE-like no blinking diagnostic message with cursor
Commented lines are the default.
local FOO = 'your_augroup_name'
vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(FOO, { clear = true })
use {
config = function ()
require('murmur').setup {
-- cursor_rgb = {
-- guibg = '#393939',
-- },
-- cursor_rgb_always_use_config = false, -- if set to `true`, then always use `cursor_rgb`.
-- yank_blink = {
-- enabled = true,
-- on_yank = nil, -- Can be customized. See `:h on_yank`.
-- },
max_len = 80,
min_len = 3, -- this is recommended since I prefer no cursorword highlighting on `if`.
exclude_filetypes = {},
callbacks = {
-- to trigger the close_events of vim.diagnostic.open_float.
function ()
-- Close floating diag. and make it triggerable again.
vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = "MurmurDiagnostics" })
vim.w.diag_shown = false
-- To create IDE-like no blinking diagnostic message with `cursor` scope. (should be paired with the callback above)
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('CursorHold', {
group = FOO,
pattern = '*',
callback = function ()
-- skip when a float-win already exists.
if vim.w.diag_shown then return end
-- open float-win when hovering on a cursor-word.
if vim.w.cursor_word ~= "" then
local buf = vim.diagnostic.open_float({
scope = "cursor",
-- Only close the window on InsertEnter and the explicit diagnostic close event
close_events = { "InsertEnter", "User MurmurDiagnostics" },
-- If the window closes for any reason *other* than it being closed by a callback,
-- make it triggerable again
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("WinClosed", {
group = FOO,
buffer = buf,
once = true,
callback = function() vim.w.diag_shown = false end,
vim.w.diag_shown = true
vim.w.diag_shown = false
-- To create special cursorword coloring for the colortheme `typewriter-night`.
-- remember to change it to the name of yours.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'ColorScheme' }, {
group = FOO,
pattern = 'typewriter-night',
callback = function ()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "murmur_cursor_rgb", { fg = "#0a100d", bg = "#ffee32" })
Extended from the original project: xiyaowong / nvim-cursorword