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suave.lua aims to be a minimal, beginner-friendly project session automation plugin for NeoVim beginners.

(The name SUAVE is a quasi-acronym of "Session in LUA for Vim Enthusiasts".)



suave.lua is all about project session automation, it can:

  • .setup() callbacks on session store/restore.
  • .session_store() multiple sessions for a single project.
  • .session_store() mutliple sessions in your project folder.
  • it supports storing a custom JSON for each of your project.

Now you can:

  • Use autocmd + .session_store(auto=true) to achieve project session automation:
    • when auto=true, the naming process is skipped, so it's safe to call it inside a autocmd.
  • Use the JSON data to...
    • restore the colortheme for each project.
    • restore the pomodoro timer for each project.
    • restore anything needed to restore a plugin.


  • To start using suave.lua, just mkdir .suave/ at your project root.
    • all your sessions will be stored into this folder.
    • no more question like "where does this plugin store all my sessions?"
  • The core idea is very simple:
    • suave.lua has only one menu. (a quickfix list)
    • The menu lists all sessions created for your current project.
    • To execute any command I provided, you have to open the menu first.
      • if you never open the menu, you will never delete your sessions in Neovim upon bugs.
  • That's it.


  • The menu can show the last-modified-timestamp of each session.
  • Show how to achieve "auto-session" by autocmd in README.md.
  • The command for you to add note to each session file.

Setup Example

Notes for different plugin managers:

use {
  config = function ()
    require('suave').setup {
      -- menu_height = 6,
      auto_save = {
        enabled = true,
        -- exclude_filetypes = {},
      store_hooks = {
        -- WARN: DON'T call `vim.cmd('wa')` here. Use `setup.auto_save` instead. (See #4)
        before_mksession = {
          -- function ()
          --   -- `rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui`.
          --   require('dapui').close()
          -- end,
          -- function ()
          --   -- `nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim`.
          --   for _, w in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) do
          --     if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(w), 'ft') == 'neo-tree' then
          --       vim.api.nvim_win_close(w, false)
          --     end
          --   end
          -- end,
        after_mksession = {
          -- NOTE: the `data` param is Lua table, which will be stored in json format under `.suave/` folder.
          function (data)
            -- store current colorscheme.
            data.colorscheme = vim.g.colors_name
      restore_hooks = {
        after_source = {
          function (data)
            if not data then return end
            -- restore colorscheme.
              color %s
              doau ColorScheme %s
            ]], data.colorscheme, data.colorscheme))