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2 days ago

๐ŸŒฒ ecolog.nvim (Beta)

Neovim Lua

Ecolog (ัะบะพะปะพะณ) - your environment guardian in Neovim. Named after the Russian word for "environmentalist", this plugin protects and manages your environment variables with the same care an ecologist shows for nature.

A Neovim plugin for seamless environment variable integration and management. Provides intelligent autocompletion, type checking, and value peeking for environment variables in your projects. All in one place.

CleanShot 2025-01-03 at 21 20 37

Table of Contents

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

Using lazy.nvim:

Plugin Setup

  -- Optional: you can add some keybindings
  -- (I personally use lspsaga so check out lspsaga integration or lsp integration for a smoother experience without separate keybindings)
  keys = {
    { '<leader>ge', '<cmd>EcologGoto<cr>', desc = 'Go to env file' },
    { '<leader>ep', '<cmd>EcologPeek<cr>', desc = 'Ecolog peek variable' },
    { '<leader>es', '<cmd>EcologSelect<cr>', desc = 'Switch env file' },
  -- Lazy loading is done internally
  lazy = false,
  opts = {
    integrations = {
        -- WARNING: for both cmp integrations see readme section below
        nvim_cmp = true, -- If you dont plan to use nvim_cmp set to false, enabled by default
        -- If you are planning to use blink cmp uncomment this line
        -- blink_cmp = true,
    -- Enables shelter mode for sensitive values
    shelter = {
        configuration = {
            -- Partial mode configuration:
            -- false: completely mask values (default)
            -- true: use default partial masking settings
            -- table: customize partial masking
            -- partial_mode = false,
            -- or with custom settings:
            partial_mode = {
                show_start = 3,    -- Show first 3 characters
                show_end = 3,      -- Show last 3 characters
                min_mask = 3,      -- Minimum masked characters
            mask_char = "*",   -- Character used for masking
        modules = {
            cmp = true,       -- Enabled to mask values in completion
            peek = false,      -- Enable to mask values in peek view
            files = true, -- Enabled to mask values in file buffers
            telescope = false, -- Enable to mask values in telescope integration
            telescope_previewer = false, -- Enable to mask values in telescope preview buffers
            fzf = false,       -- Enable to mask values in fzf picker
            fzf_previewer = false, -- Enable to mask values in fzf preview buffers
            snacks_previewer = false,    -- Enable to mask values in snacks previewer
            snacks = false,    -- Enable to mask values in snacks picker
    -- true by default, enables built-in types (database_url, url, etc.)
    types = true,
    path = vim.fn.getcwd(), -- Path to search for .env files
    preferred_environment = "development", -- Optional: prioritize specific env files
    -- Controls how environment variables are extracted from code and how cmp works
    provider_patterns = true, -- true by default, when false will not check provider patterns

To use the latest features and improvements, you can use the beta branch:

  branch = 'beta',
  -- ... rest of your configuration

Even though beta branch may contain more experimental changes, new and shiny features will appear faster here. Consider using it as a contribution to the development of the main branch. Since you can share your feedback.

Setup auto-completion with nvim-cmp:

  sources = {
    { name = 'ecolog' },
    -- your other sources...

If you use blink.cmp see Blink-cmp Integration guide

โœจ Features

๐Ÿ” Advanced Environment Variable Management

  • Intelligent variable detection across multiple languages
  • Real-time file monitoring and cache updates
  • Support for custom environment file patterns
  • Priority-based environment file loading
  • Shell variables integration
  • vim.env synchronization
  • Advanced variable interpolation with shell-like syntax

๐Ÿค– Smart Autocompletion

  • Context-aware suggestions with nvim-cmp and blink-cmp
  • Type-safe completions with validation
  • Intelligent provider detection
  • Language-specific completion triggers
  • Comment and metadata support in completions

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Enhanced Security Features

  • Configurable shelter mode for sensitive data
  • Partial masking with customizable patterns
  • Per-feature security controls
  • Real-time visual masking
  • Temporary value reveal functionality
  • Screen sharing protection

๐Ÿ”„ Integrations

  • LSP integration for hover and definition
  • Telescope integration with fuzzy finding
  • FZF integration with preview support
  • LSP Saga integration
  • Custom provider API for language support

๐Ÿ“ Multi-Environment Support

  • Multiple .env file handling
  • Custom file pattern matching
  • Priority-based loading system
  • Environment-specific configurations
  • Custom sort functions for file priority

๐Ÿ’ก Type System

  • Built-in type validation
  • Custom type definitions
  • Pattern-based type detection
  • Value transformation support
  • Type-aware completion and validation

๐ŸŽจ UI/UX Features

  • Theme integration with existing colorschemes
  • Customizable highlighting
  • Rich preview windows
  • Inline documentation
  • Status indicators

๐Ÿ”„ Variable Interpolation

Ecolog supports advanced variable interpolation with shell-like syntax in your environment files.

Supported Syntax

  • Basic Variables: $VAR or ${VAR}
  • Default Values: ${VAR:-default} (use default if VAR is unset or empty)
  • Alternate Values: ${VAR-alternate} (use alternate if VAR is unset)
  • Command Substitution: $(command)
  • Quoted Strings:
    • Single quotes ('...'): No interpolation
    • Double quotes ("..."): With interpolation


# Basic variable interpolation

# Default values

# Alternate values

# Command substitution
GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d)

# Nested interpolation

Configuration Options

You can customize the interpolation behavior through the plugin's configuration:

  -- Enable interpolation with default settings
  interpolation = true,

  -- Or disable interpolation
  interpolation = false,

  -- Or customize interpolation settings
  interpolation = {
    enabled = true,              -- Enable/disable interpolation
    max_iterations = 10,         -- Maximum iterations for nested interpolation
    warn_on_undefined = true,    -- Warn about undefined variables
    fail_on_cmd_error = false,  -- How to handle command substitution errors
    features = {
      variables = true,         -- Enable variable interpolation ($VAR, ${VAR})
      defaults = true,         -- Enable default value syntax (${VAR:-default})
      alternates = true,       -- Enable alternate value syntax (${VAR-alternate})
      commands = true,         -- Enable command substitution ($(command))
      escapes = true,         -- Enable escape sequences (\n, \t, etc.)

The configuration options are:

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable/disable interpolation
max_iterations number 10 Maximum iterations for nested variable interpolation
warn_on_undefined boolean true Whether to warn when undefined variables are referenced
fail_on_cmd_error boolean false Whether to error or warn on command substitution failures
features table - Control specific interpolation features
features.variables boolean true Enable variable interpolation ($VAR, ${VAR})
features.defaults boolean true Enable default value syntax (${VAR:-default})
features.alternates boolean true Enable alternate value syntax (${VAR-alternate})
features.commands boolean true Enable command substitution ($(command))
features.escapes boolean true Enable escape sequences (\n, \t, etc.)


  • Recursive Interpolation: Variables can reference other variables
  • Shell Integration: Access shell environment variables
  • Error Handling: Configurable warnings and error handling
  • Command Substitution: Execute shell commands and use their output
  • Escape Sequences: Support for common escape sequences (\n, \t, etc.)
  • Quote Handling: Proper handling of single and double quotes
  • Default Values: Support for default and alternate value syntax
  • Safety Limits: Prevention of infinite recursion with iteration limits

Best Practices

  1. Use braces ${} for clarity and to avoid ambiguity
  2. Provide default values for optional variables
  3. Use single quotes for literal strings
  4. Be cautious with command substitution in production environments
  5. Keep nesting levels reasonable for better maintainability
  6. Use feature flags to enhance security:
    • Disable commands in production to prevent command injection
    • Disable alternates and defaults if not needed
    • Keep variables enabled for basic interpolation
    • Consider disabling escapes if not using special characters

๐ŸŒ Supported Languages

Currently Supported

Ecolog provides intelligent environment variable detection and completion for multiple programming languages:

Language File Extensions Environment Variable Access Patterns
TypeScript .ts, .tsx process.env.VAR, process.env['VAR'], import.meta.env.VAR, Bun.env.VAR, Deno.env.get('VAR')
JavaScript .js, .jsx process.env.VAR, process.env['VAR'], Bun.env.VAR
Python .py os.environ.get('VAR')
PHP .php getenv('VAR'), $_ENV['VAR'], $_SERVER['VAR']
Lua .lua os.getenv('VAR')
Go .go os.Getenv('VAR')
Rust .rs env::var('VAR'), std::env::var('VAR'), std::env::var_os('VAR')
Java .java System.getenv('VAR'), env.get('VAR')
C# .cs, .csharp Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable('VAR'), System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable('VAR')
Ruby .rb ENV['VAR'], ENV.fetch('VAR')
Shell .sh, .bash, .zsh $VAR, ${VAR}
Kotlin .kt, .kotlin System.getenv('VAR')
Dockerfile Dockerfile ${VAR}

Each language provider is optimized for its specific environment variable access patterns and supports both completion and detection. The providers are loaded lazily to maintain performance.

๐Ÿ”Œ Custom Providers

You can add support for additional languages by registering custom providers. Each provider defines how environment variables are detected and extracted in specific file types.

Example: Adding a Custom Provider

  providers = {
      -- Pattern to match environment variable access
      pattern = "ENV%[['\"]%w['\"]%]",
      -- Filetype(s) this provider supports (string or table)
      filetype = "custom_lang",
      -- Function to extract variable name from the line
      extract_var = function(line, col)
        local before_cursor = line:sub(1, col + 1)
        return before_cursor:match("ENV%['\"['\"]%]$")
      -- Function to return completion trigger pattern
      get_completion_trigger = function()
        return "ENV['"

Each provider must specify:

  1. pattern: A Lua pattern to match environment variable access in the code
  2. filetype: The filetype(s) this provider supports (string or table)
  3. extract_var: Function to extract the variable name from the line
  4. get_completion_trigger: Function to return the completion trigger pattern

The provider will be automatically loaded when editing files of the specified filetype.

๐Ÿš€ Usage

Available Commands

Command Description
:EcologPeek [variable_name] Peek at environment variable value and metadata
:EcologPeek Peek at environment variable under cursor
:EcologRefresh Refresh environment variable cache
:EcologSelect Open a selection window to choose environment file
:EcologGoto Open selected environment file in buffer
:EcologGotoVar Go to specific variable definition in env file
:EcologGotoVar [variable_name] Go to specific variable definition in env file with variable under cursor
:EcologShelterToggle [command] [feature] Control shelter mode for masking sensitive values
:EcologShelterLinePeek Temporarily reveal value on current line in env file
:Telescope ecolog env Alternative way to open Telescope picker
:EcologFzf Alternative way to open fzf-lua picker (must have fzf-lua installed)
:EcologSnacks Open environment variables picker using snacks.nvim (must have snacks.nvim installed)
:EcologEnvGet Get the value of a specific environment variable(must enable vim_env)
:EcologCopy [variable_name] Copy raw value of environment variable to clipboard
:EcologCopy Copy raw value of environment variable under cursor to clipboard
:EcologAWSConfig Open configuration menu for AWS Secrets Manager (region, profile, secrets)
:EcologVaultConfig Open configuration menu for HCP Vault (organization, project, apps)
:EcologInterpolationToggle Toggle environment variable interpolation on/off

๐Ÿ“ Environment File Priority

Files are loaded in the following priority order:

  1. .env.{preferred_environment} (if preferred_environment is set)
  2. .env
  3. Other .env.* files (alphabetically)

๐Ÿ”Œ Shell Variables Integration

Ecolog can load environment variables directly from your shell environment. This is useful when you want to:

  • Access system environment variables
  • Work with variables set by your shell profile
  • Handle dynamic environment variables

Basic Usage

Enable shell variable loading with default settings:

  load_shell = true

Advanced Configuration

For more control over shell variable handling:

  load_shell = {
    enabled = true,     -- Enable shell variable loading
    override = false,   -- When false, .env files take precedence over shell variables
    -- Optional: filter specific shell variables
    filter = function(key, value)
      -- Example: only load specific variables
      return key:match("^(PATH|HOME|USER)$") ~= nil
    -- Optional: transform shell variables before loading
    transform = function(key, value)
      -- Example: prefix shell variables for clarity
      return "[shell] " .. value

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable/disable shell variable loading
override boolean false When true, shell variables take precedence over .env files
filter function|nil nil Optional function to filter which shell variables to load
transform function|nil nil Optional function to transform shell variable values


  • Full integration with all Ecolog features (completion, peek, shelter mode)
  • Shell variables are marked with "shell" as their source
  • Configurable precedence between shell and .env file variables
  • Optional filtering and transformation of shell variables
  • Type detection and value transformation support

Best Practices

  1. Use filter to limit which shell variables are loaded to avoid cluttering
  2. Consider using transform to clearly mark shell-sourced variables
  3. Be mindful of the override setting when working with both shell and .env variables
  4. Apply shelter mode settings to shell variables containing sensitive data

๐Ÿ’ก vim.env Integration

Ecolog can automatically sync your environment variables with Neovim's built-in vim.env table, making them available to any Neovim process or plugin.


Enable vim.env module in your setup:

  vim_env = true, -- false by default


  • Automatically syncs environment variables to vim.env
  • Updates vim.env in real-time when environment files change
  • Cleans up variables when they are removed from the environment file
  • Provides commands to inspect the current state


Command Description
:EcologEnvGet Get the value of a specific environment variable


-- In your config
  vim_env = true,
  -- ... other options

-- After setup, variables from your .env file will be available in vim.env:
print(vim.env.DATABASE_URL) -- prints your database URL
print(vim.env.API_KEY)      -- prints your API key

Provider Patterns

The provider_patterns option controls how environment variables are extracted from your code and how completion works. It can be configured in two ways:

  1. As a boolean (for backward compatibility):

    provider_patterns = true  -- Enables both extraction and completion with language patterns
    -- or
    provider_patterns = false -- Disables both, falls back to word under cursor and basic completion
  2. As a table for fine-grained control:

    provider_patterns = {
      extract = true,  -- Controls variable extraction from code
      cmp = true      -- Controls completion behavior

Extract Mode

The extract field controls how variables are extracted from code for features like peek, goto definition, etc:

  • When true (default): Only recognizes environment variables through language-specific patterns

    • Example: In JavaScript, only matches process.env.MY_VAR or import.meta.env.MY_VAR
    • Example: In Python, only matches os.environ.get('MY_VAR') or os.environ['MY_VAR']
  • When false: Falls back to the word under cursor if no language provider matches

    • Useful when you want to peek at any word that might be an environment variable
    • Less strict but might give false positives

Completion Mode

The cmp field controls how completion behaves:

  • When true (default):

    • Uses language-specific triggers (e.g., process.env. in JavaScript)
    • Only completes in valid environment variable contexts
    • Formats completions according to language patterns
  • When false:

    • Uses a basic trigger (any character)
    • Completes environment variables anywhere
    • Useful for more flexible but less context-aware completion

Example Configurations

  1. Default behavior (strict mode):

    provider_patterns = {
      extract = true,  -- Only extract vars from language patterns
      cmp = true      -- Only complete in valid contexts
  2. Flexible extraction, strict completion:

    provider_patterns = {
      extract = false,  -- Extract any word as potential var
      cmp = true       -- Only complete in valid contexts
  3. Strict extraction, flexible completion:

    provider_patterns = {
      extract = true,   -- Only extract vars from language patterns
      cmp = false      -- Complete anywhere
  4. Maximum flexibility:

    provider_patterns = {
      extract = false,  -- Extract any word as potential var
      cmp = false      -- Complete anywhere

This affects all features that extract variables from code (peek, goto definition, etc.) and how completion behaves.

๐Ÿ’ก Custom Environment File Patterns

Ecolog supports custom patterns for matching environment files. This allows you to define your own naming conventions beyond the default .env* pattern.

Basic Usage

Set a single custom pattern:

  env_file_pattern = "^config/.+%.env$" -- Matches any .env file in the config directory

Use multiple patterns:

  env_file_pattern = {
    "^config/.+%.env$",     -- Matches .env files in config directory
    "^environments/.+%.env$" -- Matches .env files in environments directory

Pattern Format

  • Patterns use Lua pattern matching syntax
  • Patterns are relative to the project root (path option)
  • Default patterns (.env*) are always included as fallback


env_file_pattern = {
  "^%.env%.%w+$",          -- Matches .env.development, .env.production, etc.
  "^config/env%.%w+$",     -- Matches config/env.development, config/env.production, etc.
  "^%.env%.local%.%w+$",   -- Matches .env.local.development, .env.local.production, etc.
  "^environments/.+%.env$"  -- Matches any file ending in .env in the environments directory


  • Multiple pattern support
  • Directory-specific matching
  • Flexible naming conventions
  • Fallback to default patterns
  • Real-time file monitoring for custom patterns

๐Ÿ”„ Custom Sort Function

Ecolog allows you to customize how environment files are sorted using the sort_fn option. This is useful when you need specific ordering beyond the default alphabetical sorting.

Basic Usage

  sort_fn = function(a, b)
    -- Sort by file size (smaller files first)
    local a_size = vim.fn.getfsize(a)
    local b_size = vim.fn.getfsize(b)
    return a_size < b_size


  1. Priority-based sorting:
sort_fn = function(a, b)
  local priority = {
    [".env.production"] = 1,
    [".env.staging"] = 2,
    [".env.development"] = 3,
    [".env"] = 4
  local a_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(a, ":t")
  local b_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(b, ":t")
  return (priority[a_name] or 99) < (priority[b_name] or 99)
  1. Sort by modification time:
sort_fn = function(a, b)
  local a_time = vim.fn.getftime(a)
  local b_time = vim.fn.getftime(b)
  return a_time > b_time  -- Most recently modified first
  1. Sort by environment type:
sort_fn = function(a, b)
  -- Extract environment type from filename
  local function get_env_type(file)
    local name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ":t")
    return name:match("^%.env%.(.+)$") or ""
  return get_env_type(a) < get_env_type(b)


  • Custom sorting logic for environment files
  • Access to full file paths for advanced sorting
  • Compatible with preferred_environment option
  • Real-time sorting when files change

๐Ÿ”Œ Integrations

Nvim-cmp Integration

Add ecolog to your nvim-cmp sources:

  sources = {
    { name = 'ecolog' },
    -- your other sources...


Nvim-cmp integration is enabled by default. To disable it:

  integrations = {
    nvim_cmp = false,

Blink-cmp Integration

PS: When blink_cmp is enabled, nvim_cmp is disabled by default.

Ecolog provides an integration with blink.cmp for environment variable completions. To enable it:

  1. Enable the integration in your Ecolog setup:
  integrations = {
    blink_cmp = true,
  1. Configure Blink CMP to use the Ecolog source:
  opts = {
    sources = {
      default = { 'ecolog', 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' },
      providers = {
        ecolog = { name = 'ecolog', module = 'ecolog.integrations.cmp.blink_cmp' },

LSP Integration (Experimental)

โš ๏ธ Warning: The LSP integration is currently experimental and may interfere with your existing LSP setup. Use with caution.

Ecolog provides optional LSP integration that enhances the hover and definition functionality for environment variables. When enabled, it will:

  • Show environment variable values when hovering over them
  • Jump to environment variable definitions using goto-definition

meaning you dont need any custom keymaps


To enable LSP integration, add this to your Neovim configuration:

    integrations = {
        lsp = true,

PS: If you're using lspsaga, please see section LSP Saga Integration don't use lsp integration use one or the other.


  • Hover Preview: When you hover (K) over an environment variable, it will show the value and metadata in a floating window
  • Goto Definition: Using goto-definition (gd) on an environment variable will jump to its definition in the .env file

Known Limitations

  1. The integration overrides the default LSP hover and definition handlers
  2. May conflict with other plugins that modify LSP hover behavior
  3. Performance impact on LSP operations (though optimized and should be unnoticable)

Disabling LSP Integration

If you experience any issues, you can disable the LSP integration:

    integrations = {
        lsp = false,

Please report such issues on our GitHub repository

LSP Saga Integration

Ecolog provides integration with lspsaga.nvim that enhances hover and goto-definition functionality for environment variables while preserving Saga's features for other code elements.


To enable LSP Saga integration, add this to your configuration:

    integrations = {
        lspsaga = true,

PS: If you're using lspsaga then don't use lsp integration use one or the other.


The integration adds two commands that intelligently handle both environment variables and regular code:

  1. EcologSagaHover:

    • Shows environment variable value when hovering over env vars
    • Falls back to Saga's hover for other code elements
    • Automatically replaces existing Saga hover keymaps
  2. EcologSagaGD (Goto Definition):

    • Jumps to environment variable definition in .env file
    • Uses Saga's goto definition for other code elements
    • Automatically replaces existing Saga goto-definition keymaps

๐Ÿ’ก Note: When enabled, the integration automatically detects and updates your existing Lspsaga keymaps to use Ecolog's enhanced functionality. No manual keymap configuration required!

Example Configuration

  opts = {
    integrations = {
      lspsaga = true,

๐Ÿ’ก Note: The LSP Saga integration provides a smoother experience than the experimental LSP integration if you're already using Saga in your setup.

Telescope Integration

First, load the extension:


Then configure it in your Telescope setup (optional):

  extensions = {
    ecolog = {
      shelter = {
        -- Whether to show masked values when copying to clipboard
        mask_on_copy = false,
      -- Default keybindings
      mappings = {
        -- Key to copy value to clipboard
        copy_value = "<C-y>",
        -- Key to copy name to clipboard
        copy_name = "<C-n>",
        -- Key to append value to buffer
        append_value = "<C-a>",
        -- Key to append name to buffer (defaults to <CR>)
        append_name = "<CR>",

FZF Integration

Ecolog integrates with fzf-lua to provide a fuzzy finder interface for environment variables.


  integrations = {
    fzf = {
      shelter = {
        mask_on_copy = false, -- Whether to mask values when copying
      mappings = {
        copy_value = "ctrl-y",  -- Copy variable value to clipboard
        copy_name = "ctrl-n",   -- Copy variable name to clipboard
        append_value = "ctrl-a", -- Append value at cursor position
        append_name = "enter",   -- Append name at cursor position

You can trigger the FZF picker using :EcologFzf command.


  • ๐Ÿ” Fuzzy search through environment variables
  • ๐Ÿ“‹ Copy variable names or values to clipboard
  • โŒจ๏ธ Insert variables into your code
  • ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Integrated with shelter mode for sensitive data protection
  • ๐Ÿ“ Real-time updates when environment files change


Open the environment variables picker:


Default Keymaps

Key Action
<Enter> Insert variable name
<C-y> Copy value to clipboard
<C-n> Copy name to clipboard
<C-a> Append value to buffer

All keymaps are customizable through the configuration.

Snacks Integration

Ecolog integrates with snacks.nvim to provide a modern and beautiful picker interface for environment variables.


  integrations = {
    snacks = {
      shelter = {
        mask_on_copy = false, -- Whether to mask values when copying
      keys = {
        copy_value = "<C-y>",  -- Copy variable value to clipboard
        copy_name = "<C-u>",   -- Copy variable name to clipboard
        append_value = "<C-a>", -- Append value at cursor position
        append_name = "<CR>",   -- Append name at cursor position
      layout = {  -- Any Snacks layout configuration
        preset = "dropdown",
        preview = false,

You can trigger the Snacks picker using :EcologSnacks command.


  • ๐ŸŽจ Beautiful VSCode-like interface
  • ๐Ÿ” Real-time fuzzy search
  • ๐Ÿ“‹ Copy variable names or values to clipboard
  • โŒจ๏ธ Insert variables into your code
  • ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Integrated with shelter mode for sensitive data protection
  • ๐Ÿ“ Live updates when environment files change
  • ๐ŸŽฏ Syntax highlighting for better readability


Open the environment variables picker:


Default Keymaps

Key Action
<CR> Insert variable name
<C-y> Copy value to clipboard
<C-u> Copy name to clipboard
<C-a> Append value to buffer

All keymaps are customizable through the configuration.

Statusline Integration

Ecolog provides a built-in statusline component that shows your current environment file, variable count, and shelter mode status. It supports both native statusline and lualine integration.


  integrations = {
    snacks = {
      shelter = {
        mask_on_copy = false, -- Whether to mask values when copying
      keys = {
        copy_value = "<C-y>",  -- Copy variable value to clipboard
        copy_name = "<C-n>",   -- Copy variable name to clipboard
        append_value = "<C-a>", -- Append value at cursor position
        append_name = "<CR>",   -- Append name at cursor position

You can trigger the Snacks picker using :EcologSnacks command.


  • ๐ŸŽจ Beautiful VSCode-like interface
  • ๐Ÿ” Real-time fuzzy search
  • ๐Ÿ“‹ Copy variable names or values to clipboard
  • โŒจ๏ธ Insert variables into your code
  • ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Integrated with shelter mode for sensitive data protection
  • ๐Ÿ“ Live updates when environment files change
  • ๐ŸŽฏ Syntax highlighting for better readability


Open the environment variables picker:


Default Keymaps

Key Action
<CR> Insert variable name
<C-y> Copy value to clipboard
<C-n> Copy name to clipboard
<C-a> Append value to buffer

All keymaps are customizable through the configuration.

AWS Secrets Manager

The AWS Secrets Manager integration allows you to load secrets from AWS Secrets Manager into your environment variables. This integration requires the AWS CLI to be installed and configured with appropriate credentials.

โš ๏ธ Note: This is a WIP feature and may have breaking changes in future releases.


  integrations = {
    secret_managers = {
      aws = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable AWS Secrets Manager integration
        override = false, -- When true, AWS secrets take precedence over .env files and shell variables
        region = "us-west-2", -- Required: AWS region where your secrets are stored
        profile = "default", -- Optional: AWS profile to use
        secrets = { -- Optional: List of secret names to fetch on startup
        filter = function(key, value) -- Optional: Filter function for secrets
          return true -- Return true to include the secret, false to exclude it
        transform = function(key, value) -- Optional: Transform function for secret values
          return value -- Return the transformed value


  • Load secrets from AWS Secrets Manager into your environment variables
  • Support for both JSON and plain text secrets:
    • JSON secrets: Each key-value pair becomes a separate environment variable
    • Plain text secrets: The last part of the secret name is used as the variable name
  • Interactive secret selection with visual feedback
  • Integration with shelter mode for sensitive data protection
  • Automatic credential validation and error handling
  • Support for AWS profiles and regions
  • Direct configuration access through :EcologAWSConfig command
  • Real-time configuration changes with automatic secret reloading
  • Parallel secret loading with retry support
  • Proper cleanup on Neovim exit

Interactive Configuration

The :EcologAWSConfig command provides access to three main configuration options:

  1. Region: Select or change the AWS region
  2. Profile: Choose the AWS profile to use
  3. Secrets: Select which secrets to load

Each option can be accessed directly using:

:EcologAWSConfig region    " Configure AWS region
:EcologAWSConfig profile   " Configure AWS profile
:EcologAWSConfig secrets   " Configure which secrets to load

Default keybindings in the configuration UI:

Key Action
j/k Navigate through options
<space> Toggle selection (for multi-select)
<CR> Select option or confirm selection
q/ESC Close without changes


  • AWS CLI v2 installed and configured (aws --version should show version 2.x.x)
  • AWS CLI must be authenticated with valid credentials using one of:
    • aws configure to set up credentials
    • AWS SSO login (aws sso login)
    • Environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
    • IAM role with appropriate permissions
  • Appropriate AWS credentials with permissions to access the specified secrets

Error Handling

The integration provides clear error messages for common issues:

  • Invalid or missing AWS credentials
  • Network connectivity problems
  • Access denied errors
  • Region configuration issues
  • Missing or invalid secrets
  • Command timeout errors
  • AWS CLI installation issues

HashiCorp Vault Secrets

The HashiCorp Vault Secrets integration allows you to load secrets from HCP Vault Secrets into your environment variables. This integration requires the HCP CLI to be installed and configured with appropriate credentials.

โš ๏ธ Note: This is a WIP feature and may have breaking changes in future releases.


  integrations = {
    secret_managers = {
      vault = {
        enabled = true, -- Enable HCP Vault Secrets integration
        override = false, -- When true, Vault secrets take precedence over .env files and shell variables
        apps = { -- Optional: List of application names to fetch secrets from by default
        filter = function(key, value) -- Optional: Filter function for secrets
          return true -- Return true to include the secret, false to exclude it
        transform = function(key, value) -- Optional: Transform function for secret values
          return value -- Return the transformed value


  • Load secrets from HCP Vault Secrets into your environment variables
  • Support for both JSON and plain text secrets:
    • JSON secrets: Each key-value pair becomes a separate environment variable
    • Plain text secrets: The secret name is used as the variable name
  • Interactive application and secret selection with visual feedback
  • Integration with shelter mode for sensitive data protection
  • Automatic credential validation and error handling
  • Support for HCP service principal authentication
  • Direct configuration access through :EcologVaultConfig command
  • Real-time configuration changes with automatic secret reloading
  • Proper cleanup on Neovim exit

Interactive Configuration

The :EcologVaultConfig command provides access to three main configuration options:

  1. Organization: Select or change the HCP organization
  2. Project: Choose the HCP project to use
  3. Apps: Select which applications to load secrets from

Each option can be accessed directly using:

:EcologVaultConfig organization    " Configure HCP organization
:EcologVaultConfig project        " Configure HCP project
:EcologVaultConfig apps           " Configure which apps to load secrets from

Default keybindings in the configuration UI:

Key Action
j/k Navigate through options
<space> Toggle selection (for multi-select)
<CR> Select option or confirm selection
q/ESC Close without changes


  • HCP CLI installed (hcp --version should be available)
  • HCP CLI must be authenticated with valid credentials using one of:
    • HCP service principal credentials (client ID and client secret)
    • hcp auth login command
  • Appropriate HCP permissions to access the specified applications and secrets

Error Handling

The integration provides clear error messages for common issues:

  • Invalid or missing HCP credentials
  • Network connectivity problems
  • Access denied errors
  • Missing or invalid applications
  • Missing or invalid secrets
  • Command timeout errors
  • HCP CLI installation issues

๐Ÿ” Shelter Previewers

ecolog.nvim integrates with various file pickers to provide a secure way to use file picker without leaking sensitive data, when searching for files.

  • Secure environment file previews
  • Configurable masking behavior
  • Minimal memory footprint
  • Efficient buffer management
  • Integration with fzf-lua, telescope and snacks.picker

Telescope Previewer


  shelter = {
    modules = {
      telescope_previewer = true, -- Mask values in telescope preview buffers

FZF Previewer


  shelter = {
    modules = {
      fzf_previewer = true, -- Mask values in fzf preview buffers

Snacks Previewer


  shelter = {
    modules = {
      snacks_previewer = true,    -- Mask values in snacks previewer

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Shelter Mode

Shelter mode provides a secure way to work with sensitive environment variables by masking their values in different contexts. This feature helps prevent accidental exposure of sensitive data like API keys, passwords, tokens, and other credentials.

๐Ÿ”ง Configuration

    shelter = {
        configuration = {
            -- Partial mode configuration:
            -- false: completely mask values (default)
            -- true: use default partial masking settings
            -- table: customize partial masking
            -- partial_mode = false,
            -- or with custom settings:
            partial_mode = {
                show_start = 3,    -- Show first 3 characters
                show_end = 3,      -- Show last 3 characters
                min_mask = 3,      -- Minimum masked characters
            mask_char = "*",   -- Character used for masking
        modules = {
            cmp = false,       -- Mask values in completion
            peek = false,      -- Mask values in peek view
            files = false,     -- Mask values in files
            telescope = false, -- Mask values in telescope integration
            telescope_previewer = false, -- Mask values in telescope preview buffers
            fzf = false,       -- Mask values in fzf picker
            fzf_previewer = false, -- Mask values in fzf preview buffers
            snacks = false,    -- Mask values in snacks picker
            snacks_previewer = false,    -- Mask values in snacks previewer
    path = vim.fn.getcwd(), -- Path to search for .env files
    preferred_environment = "development", -- Optional: prioritize specific env files

๐ŸŽฏ Features

Module-specific Masking

  1. Completion Menu (cmp = true)

    • Masks values in nvim-cmp completion menu
    • Protects sensitive data during autocompletion
  2. Peek View (peek = true)

    • Masks values when using EcologPeek command
    • Allows secure variable inspection
  3. File View (files = true)

    • Masks values directly in .env files
    • Use :EcologShelterLinePeek to temporarily reveal values
  4. Telescope Preview (telescope_previewer = true)

    • Masks values in telescope preview buffers
    • Automatically applies to any .env file previewed in telescope with support of custom env file patterns
    • Maintains masking state across buffer refreshes
  5. FZF Preview (fzf_previewer = true)

    • Masks values in fzf-lua preview buffers
    • Automatically applies to any .env file previewed in fzf-lua with support of custom env file patterns
    • Supports all fzf-lua commands that show previews (files, git_files, live_grep, etc.)
    • Maintains masking state across buffer refreshes
    • Optimized for performance with buffer content caching
  6. FZF Picker (fzf = true)

    • Masks values in fzf-lua picker
  7. Telescope Integration (telescope = true)

    • Masks values in telescope picker from integration
  8. Snacks Integration (snacks = true, snacks_previewer = true)

    • Masks values in snacks picker and previewer
    • Provides secure browsing of environment variables

Partial Masking

Three modes of operation:

  1. Full Masking (Default)

    partial_mode = false
    -- Example: "my-secret-key" -> "************"
  2. Default Partial Masking

    partial_mode = true
    -- Example: "my-secret-key" -> "my-***-key"
  3. Custom Partial Masking

    partial_mode = {
        show_start = 4,    -- Show more start characters
        show_end = 2,      -- Show fewer end characters
        min_mask = 3,      -- Minimum mask length
    -- Example: "my-secret-key" -> "my-s***ey"

๐ŸŽฎ Commands

:EcologShelterToggle provides flexible control over shelter mode:

  1. Basic Usage:

    :EcologShelterToggle              " Toggle between all-off and initial settings
  2. Global Control:

    :EcologShelterToggle enable       " Enable all shelter modes
    :EcologShelterToggle disable      " Disable all shelter modes
  3. Feature-Specific Control:

    :EcologShelterToggle enable cmp   " Enable shelter for completion only
    :EcologShelterToggle disable peek " Disable shelter for peek only
    :EcologShelterToggle enable files " Enable shelter for file display
  4. Quick Value Reveal:

    :EcologShelterLinePeek           " Temporarily reveal value on current line
    • Shows the actual value for the current line
    • Value is hidden again when cursor moves away
    • Only works when shelter mode is enabled for files

๐Ÿ“ Example

Original .env file:

# Authentication
AUTH_TOKEN="bearer 1234567890"

# Database Configuration

With full masking (partial_mode = false):

# Authentication

# Database Configuration

Partial Masking Examples

With default settings (show_start=3, show_end=3, min_mask=3):

"mysecretkey"     -> "mys***key"    # Enough space for min_mask (3) characters
"secret"          -> "******"        # Not enough space for min_mask between shown parts
"api_key"         -> "*******"       # Would only have 1 char for masking, less than min_mask
"very_long_key"   -> "ver*****key"   # Plenty of space for masking

The min_mask setting ensures that sensitive values are properly protected by requiring a minimum number of masked characters between the visible parts. If this minimum cannot be met, the entire value is masked for security.

Configuration Options

The files module can be configured in two ways:

  1. Simple boolean configuration:
shelter = {
    modules = {
        files = true  -- Simply enable/disable files module
  1. Detailed configuration with options:
shelter = {
    modules = {
        files = {
            shelter_on_leave = false,  -- Control automatic re-enabling of shelter when leaving buffer
            disable_cmp = true,        -- Disable completion in sheltered buffers (default: true)
            skip_comments = false,     -- Skip masking comment lines in environment files (default: false)

When shelter_on_leave is enabled (default when using boolean configuration), the shelter mode will automatically re-enable itself when you leave an environment file buffer. This provides an extra layer of security by ensuring sensitive data is always masked when not actively being viewed.

The disable_cmp option (enabled by default) will automatically disable both nvim-cmp and blink-cmp completions in sheltered buffers. This prevents sensitive values from being exposed through the completion menu while editing environment files. Completion is automatically re-enabled when unsheltering the buffer.

The skip_comments option (disabled by default) allows you to keep comments visible while masking the actual environment variable values. This can be useful when you want to maintain readability of documentation in your environment files while still protecting sensitive data.

Pattern-based Protection

You can define different masking rules based on variable names or file sources:

shelter = {
    configuration = {
        -- Pattern-based rules take precedence
        patterns = {
            ["*_KEY"] = "full",      -- Always fully mask API keys
            ["TEST_*"] = "none",     -- Never mask test variables
        -- Source-based rules as fallback
        sources = {
            [".env.*"] = "full",
            [".env.local"] = "none",
            ["shell"] = "none",

๐ŸŽจ Customization

  1. Custom Mask Character:

    shelter = {
        configuration = {
           mask_char = "โ€ข"  -- Use dots
    -- or
    shelter = {
        configuration = {
           mask_char = "โ–ˆ"  -- Use blocks
  2. Custom Highlighting:

    shelter = {
        configuration = {
           highlight_group = "NonText"  -- Use a different highlight group for masked values

๐Ÿ’ก Best Practices

  1. Enable shelter mode by default for production environments
  2. Use file shelter mode during screen sharing or pair programming
  3. Enable completion shelter mode to prevent accidental exposure in screenshots
  4. Use source-based masking to protect sensitive files
  5. Apply stricter masking rules for production and staging environments
  6. Keep development and test files less restricted for better workflow

๐Ÿ›ก Ecolog Types

Ecolog includes a flexible type system for environment variables with built-in and custom types.

Type Configuration

Configure types through the types option in setup:

  custom_types = {
      semver = {
        pattern = "^v?%d+%.%d+%.%d+%-?[%w]*$",
        validate = function(value)
          local major, minor, patch = value:match("^v?(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)")
          return major and minor and patch
     aws_region = {
      pattern = "^[a-z]{2}%-[a-z]+%-[0-9]$",
      validate = function(value)
        local valid_regions = {
          ["us-east-1"] = true,
          ["us-west-2"] = true,
          -- ... etc
        return valid_regions[value] == true
  types = {
    -- Built-in types
    url = true,          -- URLs (http/https)
    localhost = true,    -- Localhost URLs
    ipv4 = true,        -- IPv4 addresses
    database_url = true, -- Database connection strings
    number = true,       -- Integers and decimals
    boolean = true,      -- true/false/yes/no/1/0
    json = true,         -- JSON objects and arrays
    iso_date = true,     -- ISO 8601 dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
    iso_time = true,     -- ISO 8601 times (HH:MM:SS)
    hex_color = true,    -- Hex color codes (#RGB or #RRGGBB)

You can also:

  • Enable all built-in types: types = true
  • Disable all built-in types: types = false
  • Enable specific types and add custom ones:
  custom_types = {
    jwt = {
      pattern = "^[A-Za-z0-9%-_]+%.[A-Za-z0-9%-_]+%.[A-Za-z0-9%-_]+$",
      validate = function(value)
        local parts = vim.split(value, ".", { plain = true })
        return #parts == 3
  types = {
    url = true,
    number = true,

Custom Type Definition

Each custom type requires:

  1. pattern (required): A Lua pattern string for initial matching
  2. validate (optional): A function for additional validation
  3. transform (optional): A function to transform the value

Example usage in .env files:

VERSION=v1.2.3                  # Will be detected as semver type
REGION=us-east-1               # Will be detected as aws_region type
AUTH_TOKEN=eyJhbG.eyJzd.iOiJ  # Will be detected as jwt type

๐Ÿ’ก Tips

  1. Selective Protection: Enable shelter mode only for sensitive environments:

    -- In your config
    if vim.fn.getcwd():match("production") then
        shelter = {
            configuration = {
                partial_mode = {
                    show_start = 3,    -- Number of characters to show at start
                    show_end = 3,      -- Number of characters to show at end
                    min_mask = 3,      -- Minimum number of mask characters
                mask_char = "*",   -- Character used for masking
                -- Mask all values from production files
                sources = {
                    [""] = "full",
                    [".env.local"] = "partial",
                    ["shell"] = "none",
            modules = {
                cmp = true,       -- Mask values in completion
                peek = true,      -- Mask values in peek view
                files = true,     -- Mask values in files
                telescope = false -- Mask values in telescope
                telescope_previewer = false -- Mask values in telescope preview buffers
        path = vim.fn.getcwd(), -- Path to search for .env files
        preferred_environment = "development", -- Optional: prioritize specific env files
  2. Source-based Protection: Use different masking levels based on file sources:

    shelter = {
        configuration = {
            -- Mask values based on their source file
            sources = {
                [""] = "full",
                [".env.local"] = "partial",
                ["shell"] = "none",
            -- Pattern-based rules take precedence
            patterns = {
                ["*_KEY"] = "full",      -- Always fully mask API keys
                ["TEST_*"] = "none",     -- Never mask test variables
  3. Custom Masking: Use different characters for masking:

    shelter = {
        configuration = {
           mask_char = "โ€ข"  -- Use dots
    -- or
    shelter = {
        configuration = {
           mask_char = "โ–ˆ"  -- Use blocks
    -- or
    shelter = {
        configuration = {
           highlight_group = "NonText"  -- Use a different highlight group for masked values

    The highlight_group option allows you to customize the highlight group used for masked values. By default, it uses the Comment highlight group. You can use any valid Neovim highlight group name.

  4. Temporary Viewing: Use :EcologShelterToggle disable temporarily when you need to view values, then re-enable with :EcologShelterToggle enable

  5. Security Best Practices:

    • Enable shelter mode by default for production environments
    • Use file shelter mode during screen sharing or pair programming
    • Enable completion shelter mode to prevent accidental exposure in screenshots
    • Use source-based masking to protect sensitive files
    • Apply stricter masking rules for production and staging environments
    • Keep development and test files less restricted for better workflow

๐ŸŽจ Theme Integration

The plugin seamlessly integrates with your current colorscheme:

Element Color Source
Variable names Identifier
Types Type
Values String
Sources Directory

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Author Setup

It's author's (philosofonusus) personal setup for ecolog.nvim if you don't want to think much of a setup and reading docs:

    keys = {
      { '<leader>ge', '<cmd>EcologGoto<cr>', desc = 'Go to env file' },
      { '<leader>ec', '<cmd>EcologSnacks<cr>', desc = 'Open a picker' },
      { '<leader>eS', '<cmd>EcologSelect<cr>', desc = 'Switch env file' },
      { '<leader>es', '<cmd>EcologShelterToggle<cr>', desc = 'Ecolog shelter toggle' },
    lazy = false,
    opts = {
      preferred_environment = 'local',
      types = true,
      integrations = {
        lspsaga = true,
        nvim_cmp = true,
        statusline = {
          hidden_mode = true,
        snacks = true,
      shelter = {
        configuration = {
          sources = {
            ['.env.example'] = 'none',
          partial_mode = {
            min_mask = 5,
            show_start = 1,
            show_end = 1,
          mask_char = '*',
        modules = {
          files = true,
          peek = false,
          snacks_previewer = true,
          snacks = false,
          cmp = true,
      path = vim.fn.getcwd(),

๐Ÿ”„ Comparisons

While ecolog.nvim has many great and unique features, here are some comparisons with other plugins in neovim ecosystem in their specific fields:

Environment Variable Completion (vs cmp-dotenv)

Feature ecolog.nvim cmp-dotenv
Language-aware Completion โœ… Fully configurable context-aware triggers for multiple languages and filetypes โŒ Basic environment variable completion only on every char
Type System โœ… Built-in type validation and custom types โŒ No type system
Nvim-cmp support โœ… Nvim-cmp integration โœ… Nvim-cmp integration
Blink-cmp support โœ… Native blink-cmp integration โŒ Doesn't support blink-cmp natively
Documentation Support โœ… Rich documentation with type info and source ๐ŸŸก Basic documentation support
Shell Variable Integration โœ… Configurable shell variable loading and filtering ๐ŸŸก Basic shell variable support
Multiple Environment Files โœ… Priority-based loading with custom sorting and switching between multiple environment files ๐ŸŸก Basic environment variable loading

Security Features (vs cloak.nvim)

Feature ecolog.nvim cloak.nvim
Partial Value Masking โœ… Configurable partial masking with patterns ๐ŸŸก Full masking only
Pattern-based Security โœ… Custom patterns for different security levels ๐ŸŸก Basic pattern matching
Preview Protection โœ… Telescope/FZF/Snacks picker preview protection ๐ŸŸก Only Telescope preview protection
Mask sensitive values on startup โœ… Full support, never leak environment variables โŒ Doesn't support masking on startup, flashes values
Mask on leave โœ… Supports โœ… Supports
Completion disable โœ… Supports both blink-cmp and nvim-cmp, configurable ๐ŸŸก Only nvim-cmp and can't disable
Custom mask and highlights ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ Supports โœ… Supports
Performance โœ… Better performance, especially in previewer buffers due to LRU caching ๐ŸŸก Minimal implementation but also good
Supports custom integrations โœ… Supports all ecolog.nvim features telescope-lua, snacks, fzf-lua, cmp, peek and etc. ๐ŸŸก Only works in file buffers and telescope previewer
Static mask length โŒ Chose not to support it due to neovim limitations ๐ŸŸก Supports but have caveats
Filetype support ๐ŸŸก Supports only sh and .env files โœ… Can work in any filetype

Environment Management (vs telescope-env.nvim)

Feature ecolog.nvim telescope-env.nvim
Environment Variable Search โœ… Basic search โœ… Basic search
Customizable keymaps โœ… Fully customizable โœ… Fully customizable
Value Preview โœ… Protected value preview ๐ŸŸก Basic value preview
Multiple Picker Support โœ… Telescope, Snacks picker and FZF support ๐ŸŸก Telescope only
Security Features โœ… Integrated security in previews โŒ No security features
Custom Sort/Filter โœ… Advanced sorting and filtering options ๐ŸŸก Basic sorting only

File Management (vs dotenv.nvim)

Feature ecolog.nvim dotenv.nvim
Environment File Detection โœ… Custom patterns and priority-based loading ๐ŸŸก Basic env file loading
Multiple Environment Support โœ… Advanced environment file switching ๐ŸŸก Basic environment support
Shell Variable Integration โœ… Configurable shell variable loading and filtering โŒ No shell integration

Key Benefits of ecolog.nvim

  1. All-in-One Solution: Most importantly it combines features from multiple plugins into a cohesive environment management suite which also opens new possibilties
  2. Language Intelligence: Provides language-specific completions and integrations
  3. Advanced Security: Offers the most comprehensive security features for sensitive data
  4. Type System: Unique type system for validation and documentation
  5. Rich Integrations: Seamless integration with LSP, Telescope, FZF, EcologPeek and more
  6. Performance: Optimzed for speed and efficiency in mind
  7. Extensibility: Custom providers and types for extending functionality

๐Ÿค Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to:

  • ๐Ÿ› Report bugs
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Suggest features
  • ๐Ÿ”ง Submit pull requests

๐Ÿ“„ License

MIT License - See LICENSE for details.