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#+html: #+html: #+html:Chocolatier.nvim #+html:


An espresso/kimbie inspired chocolatey theme written in lua with treesitter and semantic highlights support!

Adapted from ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim theme.

#+html: [[./images/palette.png]] [[./images/screenshot.png]] #+html:

#+begin_quote Light and Dark modes are available now. Light mode is currently a straightforward inversion of dark mode colors.

Only =alt_g= is in use for now, the rest will be implemented over time where applicable.

All colors are subject to slight variation as this theme is still in development. #+end_quote

  • Prerequisites

Neovim 0.8.0+ (according to original gruvbox.nvim)

Recommend using Neovim 0.10.0+ (actually tested/used)

  • Installing

** Using packer

#+begin_src lua use { "qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim" } #+end_src

** Using lazy.nvim

#+begin_src lua { "qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim", priority = 1000 , config = true, opts = ...} #+end_src

** Using vim-plug

#+begin_src vim Plug 'qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim' #+end_src

  • Basic Usage

Inside init.vim

#+begin_src vim set background=dark " or light if you want light mode colorscheme chocolatier #+end_src

Inside init.lua

#+begin_src lua vim.o.background = "dark" -- or "light" for light mode vim.cmd([[colorscheme chocolatier]]) #+end_src

  • Configuration

Additional settings for chocolatier are:

#+begin_src lua -- Default options: require("chocolatier").setup({ terminal_colors = true, -- add neovim terminal colors undercurl = true, underline = true, bold = true, italic = { strings = true, emphasis = true, comments = true, operators = false, folds = true, }, strikethrough = true, invert_selection = false, invert_signs = false, invert_tabline = false, invert_intend_guides = false, inverse = true, -- invert background for search, diffs, statuslines and errors contrast = "", -- can be "hard", "soft" or empty string palette_overrides = {}, overrides = {}, dim_inactive = false, transparent_mode = false, }) vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier") #+end_src

VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure to call setup() BEFORE calling the colorscheme command, to use your custom configs

** Overriding

*** Palette

You can specify your own palette colors. For example:

#+begin_src lua require("chocolatier").setup({ palette_overrides = { bright_green = "#990000", } }) vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier") #+end_src

*** Highlight groups

If you don't enjoy the current color for a specific highlight group, now you can just override it in the setup. For example:

#+begin_src lua require("chocolatier").setup({ overrides = { SignColumn = {bg = "#ff9900"} } }) vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier") #+end_src

It also works with treesitter groups and lsp semantic highlight tokens

#+begin_src lua require("chocolatier").setup({ overrides = { ["@lsp.type.method"] = { bg = "#ff9900" }, ["@comment.lua"] = { bg = "#000000" }, } }) vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier") #+end_src

Please note that the override values must follow the attributes from the highlight group map, such as:

  • fg - foreground color
  • bg - background color
  • bold - true or false for bold font
  • italic - true or false for italic font

Other values can be seen in [[][~synIDattr~]]