A Neovim plugin that display prettier diagnostic messages. Display one line diagnostic messages where the cursor is, with icons and colors.
vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_text = false })
, to not have all diagnostics in the buffer displayed.[!NOTE] Only works with Neovim >= 0.10
With Lazy.nvim:
event = "VeryLazy", -- Or `LspAttach`
priority = 1000, -- needs to be loaded in first
config = function()
vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_text = false }) -- Only if needed in your configuration, if you already have native LSP diagnostics
-- Default configuration
-- Style preset for diagnostic messages
-- Available options:
-- "modern", "classic", "minimal", "powerline",
-- "ghost", "simple", "nonerdfont", "amongus"
preset = "modern",
hi = {
error = "DiagnosticError", -- Highlight group for error messages
warn = "DiagnosticWarn", -- Highlight group for warning messages
info = "DiagnosticInfo", -- Highlight group for informational messages
hint = "DiagnosticHint", -- Highlight group for hint or suggestion messages
arrow = "NonText", -- Highlight group for diagnostic arrows
-- Background color for diagnostics
-- Can be a highlight group or a hexadecimal color (#RRGGBB)
background = "CursorLine",
-- Color blending option for the diagnostic background
-- Use "None" or a hexadecimal color (#RRGGBB) to blend with another color
mixing_color = "None",
options = {
-- Display the source of the diagnostic (e.g., basedpyright, vsserver, lua_ls etc.)
show_source = false,
-- Use icons defined in the diagnostic configuration
use_icons_from_diagnostic = false,
-- Add messages to diagnostics when multiline diagnostics are enabled
-- If set to false, only signs will be displayed
add_messages = true,
-- Time (in milliseconds) to throttle updates while moving the cursor
-- Increase this value for better performance if your computer is slow
-- or set to 0 for immediate updates and better visual
throttle = 20,
-- Minimum message length before wrapping to a new line
softwrap = 30,
-- Show all diagnostics under the cursor if multiple diagnostics exist on the same line
-- If set to false, only the diagnostics under the cursor will be displayed
multiple_diag_under_cursor = false,
-- Configuration for multiline diagnostics
-- Can either be a boolean or a table with the following options:
-- multilines = {
-- enabled = false,
-- always_show = false,
-- }
-- If it set as true, it will enable the feature with this options:
-- multilines = {
-- enabled = true,
-- always_show = false,
-- }
multilines = {
-- Enable multiline diagnostic messages
enabled = false,
-- Always show messages on all lines for multiline diagnostics
always_show = false,
-- Display all diagnostic messages on the cursor line
show_all_diags_on_cursorline = false,
-- Enable diagnostics in Insert mode
-- If enabled, it is better to set the `throttle` option to 0 to avoid visual artifacts
enable_on_insert = false,
-- Enable diagnostics in Select mode (e.g when auto inserting with Blink)
enable_on_select = false,
overflow = {
-- Manage how diagnostic messages handle overflow
-- Options:
-- "wrap" - Split long messages into multiple lines
-- "none" - Do not truncate messages
-- "oneline" - Keep the message on a single line, even if it's long
mode = "wrap",
-- Configuration for breaking long messages into separate lines
break_line = {
-- Enable the feature to break messages after a specific length
enabled = false,
-- Number of characters after which to break the line
after = 30,
-- Custom format function for diagnostic messages
-- Example:
-- format = function(diagnostic)
-- return diagnostic.message .. " [" .. diagnostic.source .. "]"
-- end
format = nil,
virt_texts = {
-- Priority for virtual text display
priority = 2048,
-- Filter diagnostics by severity
-- Available severities:
-- vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
-- vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN
-- vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO
-- vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT
severity = {
-- Events to attach diagnostics to buffers
-- You should not change this unless the plugin does not work with your configuration
overwrite_events = nil,
:warning: Note: Overriding signs
or blend
tables will override the default values of the preset. If you want to use the default values of the preset, you need to set the preset
option ONLY.
If you do not want to use the preset
option, you can set the your own style with:
-- ...
signs = {
left = "",
right = "",
diag = "●",
arrow = " ",
up_arrow = " ",
vertical = " │",
vertical_end = " └",
blend = {
factor = 0.22,
-- ...
is used for left and right signs.
require("tiny-inline-diagnostic").change(blend, highlights)
: change the colors of the diagnostic. You need to refer to setup
to see the structure of the blend
and highlights
: get the diagnostic under the cursor, useful if you want to display the diagnostic in a statusline.require("tiny-inline-diagnostic").enable()
: enable the diagnostic.require("tiny-inline-diagnostic").disable()
: disable the diagnostic.require("tiny-inline-diagnostic").toggle()
: toggle the diagnostic, on/off.require("tiny-inline-diagnostic").change_severities(severities)
: change the severity of the diagnostic. severities
is an array of severity, like vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR
to a color that will blend with the background color.vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_text = false })
to remove all the others diagnostics.vim.g.background = "light"
to use white diagnostics background. Will not work if hi.mixing_color
is setGitBlame
(or other) is displayed firstvirt_texts.priority
option to a higher value.