syntax highlighting, and many popular pluginsDownload with your favorite package manager.
use "rebelot/kanagawa.nvim"
As simple as writing (pasting)
colorscheme kanagawa
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa")
There is no need to call setup if you are ok with the defaults.
-- Default options:
compile = false, -- enable compiling the colorscheme
undercurl = true, -- enable undercurls
commentStyle = { italic = true },
functionStyle = {},
keywordStyle = { italic = true},
statementStyle = { bold = true },
typeStyle = {},
transparent = false, -- do not set background color
dimInactive = false, -- dim inactive window `:h hl-NormalNC`
terminalColors = true, -- define vim.g.terminal_color_{0,17}
colors = { -- add/modify theme and palette colors
palette = {},
theme = { wave = {}, lotus = {}, dragon = {}, all = {} },
overrides = function(colors) -- add/modify highlights
return {}
theme = "wave", -- Load "wave" theme when 'background' option is not set
background = { -- map the value of 'background' option to a theme
dark = "wave", -- try "dragon" !
light = "lotus"
-- setup must be called before loading
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa")
NOTE 1: If you enable compilation, make sure to run :KanagawaCompile
command every time you make changes to your config.
" 1. Modify your config
" 2. Restart nvim
" 3. Run this command:
NOTE 2: Kanagawa adjusts to the value of some options. Make sure that the options 'laststatus'
and 'cmdheight'
are set before calling setup
Kanagawa comes in three variants:
the default heart-warming theme,dragon
for those late-night sessionslotus
for when you're out in the open.Themes can be changed in three ways:
Setting config.theme
to the desired theme. Note that vim.o.background
must be unset.
Using the background
Any change to the value of vim.o.background
will select the theme mapped by config.background
Use vim.o.background = ""
to unset this option.
You can thus map the value of vim.o.background
to all three kanagawa variants:
theme = "wave", -- vim.o.background = ""
background = {
dark = "dragon", -- vim.o.background = "dark"
light = "lotus" -- vim.o.background = "light"
Loading the colorscheme directly with:
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-wave")
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-dragon")
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-lotus")
In kanagawa, there are two kinds of colors: PaletteColors
and ThemeColors
are defined directly as RGB Hex strings, and have arbitrary names
that recall their actual color. Conversely, ThemeColors
are named and grouped semantically
on the basis of their actual function.
In short, a palette
defines all the available colors, while a theme
maps the PaletteColors
to specific ThemeColors
and the same palette color may be assigned to multiple theme colors.
You can change both theme or palette colors using config.colors
All the palette color names can be found here,
while their usage by each theme can be found here.
colors = {
palette = {
-- change all usages of these colors
sumiInk0 = "#000000",
fujiWhite = "#FFFFFF",
theme = {
-- change specific usages for a certain theme, or for all of them
wave = {
ui = {
float = {
bg = "none",
dragon = {
syn = {
parameter = "yellow",
all = {
ui = {
bg_gutter = "none"
You can also conveniently add/modify any hlgroups
using the config.overrides
option, allowing you to customize the looks of specific built-in elements, or any other external plugins that provides hlgroups
. (See :help highlight
for more information on hlgroups
Supported keywords are the same for :h nvim_set_hl
overrides = function(colors)
return {
-- Assign a static color to strings
String = { fg = colors.palette.carpYellow, italic = true },
-- theme colors will update dynamically when you change theme!
SomePluginHl = { fg = colors.theme.syn.type, bold = true },
Remove the background of LineNr
, {Sign,Fold}Column
and friends
colors = {
theme = {
all = {
ui = {
bg_gutter = "none"
This will make floating windows look nicer with default borders.
overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
return {
NormalFloat = { bg = "none" },
FloatBorder = { bg = "none" },
FloatTitle = { bg = "none" },
-- Save an hlgroup with dark background and dimmed foreground
-- so that you can use it where your still want darker windows.
-- E.g.: autocmd TermOpen * setlocal winhighlight=Normal:NormalDark
NormalDark = { fg = theme.ui.fg_dim, bg = theme.ui.bg_m3 },
-- Popular plugins that open floats will link to NormalFloat by default;
-- set their background accordingly if you wish to keep them dark and borderless
LazyNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m3, fg = theme.ui.fg_dim },
MasonNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m3, fg = theme.ui.fg_dim },
If you'd like to keep the floating windows darker, but you're unhappy with how borders are rendered, consider using characters that are drawn at the edges of the box:
{ "🭽", "▔", "🭾", "▕", "🭿", "▁", "🭼", "▏" }
Block-like modern Telescope UI
overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
return {
TelescopeTitle = { fg = theme.ui.special, bold = true },
TelescopePromptNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 },
TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = theme.ui.bg_p1, bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 },
TelescopeResultsNormal = { fg = theme.ui.fg_dim, bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
TelescopeResultsBorder = { fg = theme.ui.bg_m1, bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
TelescopePreviewNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_dim },
TelescopePreviewBorder = { bg = theme.ui.bg_dim, fg = theme.ui.bg_dim },
More uniform colors for the popup menu.
overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
return {
Pmenu = { fg = theme.ui.shade0, bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 }, -- add `blend = vim.o.pumblend` to enable transparency
PmenuSel = { fg = "NONE", bg = theme.ui.bg_p2 },
PmenuSbar = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
PmenuThumb = { bg = theme.ui.bg_p2 },
This immitates a style of diagnostic messages seen, for example, in tokyonight.nvim.
overrides = function(colors)
local theme = colors.theme
local makeDiagnosticColor = function(color)
local c = require("kanagawa.lib.color")
return { fg = color, bg = c(color):blend(, 0.95):to_hex() }
return {
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = makeDiagnosticColor(theme.diag.hint),
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = makeDiagnosticColor(,
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = makeDiagnosticColor(theme.diag.warning),
DiagnosticVirtualTextError = makeDiagnosticColor(theme.diag.error),
-- Get the colors for the current theme
local colors = require("kanagawa.colors").setup()
local palette_colors = colors.palette
local theme_colors = colors.theme
-- Get the colors for a specific theme
local wave_colors = require("kanagawa.colors").setup({ theme = 'wave' })
The following example provides a snippet to automatically change the theme for the Kitty terminal emulator.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
pattern = "kanagawa",
callback = function()
if vim.o.background == "light" then
vim.fn.system("kitty +kitten themes Kanagawa_light")
elseif vim.o.background == "dark" then
vim.fn.system("kitty +kitten themes Kanagawa_dragon")
vim.fn.system("kitty +kitten themes Kanagawa")
Name | Hex | Usage | |
fujiWhite | #DCD7BA |
Default foreground | |
oldWhite | #C8C093 |
Dark foreground (statuslines) | |
sumiInk0 | #16161D |
Dark background (statuslines and floating windows) | |
sumiInk1 | #1F1F28 |
Default background | |
sumiInk2 | #2A2A37 |
Lighter background (colorcolumn, folds) | |
sumiInk3 | #363646 |
Lighter background (cursorline) | |
sumiInk4 | #54546D |
Darker foreground (line numbers, fold column, non-text characters), float borders | |
waveBlue1 | #223249 |
Popup background, visual selection background | |
waveBlue2 | #2D4F67 |
Popup selection background, search background | |
winterGreen | #2B3328 |
Diff Add (background) | |
winterYellow | #49443C |
Diff Change (background) | |
winterRed | #43242B |
Diff Deleted (background) | |
winterBlue | #252535 |
Diff Line (background) | |
autumnGreen | #76946A |
Git Add | |
autumnRed | #C34043 |
Git Delete | |
autumnYellow | #DCA561 |
Git Change | |
samuraiRed | #E82424 |
Diagnostic Error | |
roninYellow | #FF9E3B |
Diagnostic Warning | |
waveAqua1 | #6A9589 |
Diagnostic Info | |
dragonBlue | #658594 |
Diagnostic Hint | |
fujiGray | #727169 |
Comments | |
springViolet1 | #938AA9 |
Light foreground | |
oniViolet | #957FB8 |
Statements and Keywords | |
crystalBlue | #7E9CD8 |
Functions and Titles | |
springViolet2 | #9CABCA |
Brackets and punctuation | |
springBlue | #7FB4CA |
Specials and builtin functions | |
lightBlue | #A3D4D5 |
Not used | |
waveAqua2 | #7AA89F |
Types | |
springGreen | #98BB6C |
Strings | |
boatYellow1 | #938056 |
Not used | |
boatYellow2 | #C0A36E |
Operators, RegEx | |
carpYellow | #E6C384 |
Identifiers | |
sakuraPink | #D27E99 |
Numbers | |
waveRed | #E46876 |
Standout specials 1 (builtin variables) | |
peachRed | #FF5D62 |
Standout specials 2 (exception handling, return) | |
surimiOrange | #FFA066 |
Constants, imports, booleans | |
katanaGray | #717C7C |
Deprecated |
The colors maintain a 4.5:1
contrast ratio, complying with WCAG 2.1 | Level AA.
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