A customisable way to avoid getting lost by truncating long lines.
For a default configuration:
-- NOTE: these keybinds are not set by default and will need to be set
-- either here, or wherever you set your keybinds.
keys = {
"<leader>l", ":TemporaryToggle<CR>",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "TruncateLine temporary toggle" },
"<leader>sl", ":ToggleTruncate<CR>",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "TruncateLine toggle" },
opts = {
enabled_on_start = true,
-- this will be appended to the virtual text to distinguish it from the actual text
-- to disable this behaviour, set truncate_str to ""
truncate_str = "...",
-- how many characters from the start of the line should be displayed
-- Note: you might want the total of this setting,
-- along with truncate_str, to be less than your sidescrolloff
-- setting, to prevent obscuring text.
line_start_length = 8,
-- time for in ms for a temporary toggle
temporary_toggle_dur = 2000,
-- which highlight group should be used for virtual text.
-- "Comment", or "Normal" are good choices, but anything in
-- :highlight can be used. you can also create your own and
-- set the colour in your colour scheme's config.
hilight_group = "Comment",
[!NOTE] Contributions and suggestions are welcome but I'm a bit of a beginner in both Lua and Git, so please be patient and err on the side of patronising when explaining stuff.