lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
use { "scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim" }
Lualine (optional):
-- ... other config
options = {
theme = "auto", -- "auto" will set the theme dynamically based on the colorscheme
-- ... other config
See my personal lualine config here for an example.
vim.cmd("colorscheme cyberdream")
Calling setup
is optional, but allows you to configure the theme to your liking.
Below is an example of all the available configuration options with their default values:
-- Set light or dark variant
variant = "default", -- use "light" for the light variant. Also accepts "auto" to set dark or light colors based on the current value of `vim.o.background`
-- Enable transparent background
transparent = false,
-- Reduce the overall saturation of colours for a more muted look
saturation = 1, -- accepts a value between 0 and 1. 0 will be fully desaturated (greyscale) and 1 will be the full color (default)
-- Enable italics comments
italic_comments = false,
-- Replace all fillchars with ' ' for the ultimate clean look
hide_fillchars = false,
-- Apply a modern borderless look to pickers like Telescope, Snacks Picker & Fzf-Lua
borderless_pickers = false,
-- Set terminal colors used in `:terminal`
terminal_colors = true,
-- Improve start up time by caching highlights. Generate cache with :CyberdreamBuildCache and clear with :CyberdreamClearCache
cache = false,
-- Override highlight groups with your own colour values
highlights = {
-- Highlight groups to override, adding new groups is also possible
-- See `:h highlight-groups` for a list of highlight groups or run `:hi` to see all groups and their current values
-- Example:
Comment = { fg = "#696969", bg = "NONE", italic = true },
-- More examples can be found in `lua/cyberdream/extensions/*.lua`
-- Override a highlight group entirely using the built-in colour palette
overrides = function(colors) -- NOTE: This function nullifies the `highlights` option
-- Example:
return {
Comment = { fg =, bg = "NONE", italic = true },
["@property"] = { fg = colors.magenta, bold = true },
-- Override a color entirely
colors = {
-- For a list of colors see `lua/cyberdream/colours.lua`
-- Example:
bg = "#000000",
green = "#00ff00",
magenta = "#ff00ff",
-- Disable or enable colorscheme extensions
extensions = {
telescope = true,
notify = true,
mini = true,
[!NOTE] For a complete list of extensions, see the table in
We've cooked up some wonderful extras to enhance your cyberdream experience. Mostly terminal themes and a few other goodies!
Include these alongside the setup
function to add additional functionality to the theme.
-- Add a custom keybinding to toggle the colorscheme
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>tt", ":CyberdreamToggleMode<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
to hook into the toggle event and run custom code-- The event data property will contain a string with either "default" or "light" respectively
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "CyberdreamToggleMode",
callback = function(event)
-- Your custom code here!
-- For example, notify the user that the colorscheme has been toggled
print("Switched to " .. .. " mode!")
🖌 | Hex | Color |
#16181a |
bg | |
#1e2124 |
bg_alt | |
#3c4048 |
bg_highlight | |
#ffffff |
fg | |
#7b8496 |
grey | |
#5ea1ff |
blue | |
#5eff6c |
green | |
#5ef1ff |
cyan | |
#ff6e5e |
red | |
#f1ff5e |
yellow | |
#ff5ef1 |
magenta | |
#ff5ea0 |
pink | |
#ffbd5e |
orange | |
#bd5eff |
purple |
🖌 | Hex | Color |
#ffffff |
bg | |
#eaeaea |
bg_alt | |
#acacac |
bg_highlight | |
#16181a |
fg | |
#7b8496 |
grey | |
#0057d1 |
blue | |
#008b0c |
green | |
#008c99 |
cyan | |
#d11500 |
red | |
#997b00 |
yellow | |
#d100bf |
magenta | |
#f40064 |
pink | |
#d17c00 |
orange | |
#a018ff |
purple |
Contributions are welcome! Please read the contributing guidelines to get started.
1. For Lazyvim users, refer to the LazyVim docs for specific instructions.