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Text editing in Neovim with immediate visual feedback: view the effects of any command on your buffer contents live. Preview macros, the :norm command & more!

live-command.nvim demo video

:sparkles: Motivation and Features

In Neovim version 0.8, the command-preview feature has been introduced. Despite its name, it does not enable automatic previewing of any command. Instead, users must manually update the buffer text and set highlights for each command.

This plugin aims to address this issue by offering a simple API for creating previewable commands in Neovim. Simply provide the command you want to preview and live-command will do all the work for you. This includes viewing individual insertions, changes and deletions as you type.


Neovim 0.8+

:rocket: Getting started

Install using your favorite package manager and call the setup function with a table of commands to create. Here is an example that creates a previewable :Norm command:

use {
  -- live-command supports semantic versioning via tags
  -- tag = "1.*",
  config = function()
    require("live-command").setup {
      commands = {
        Norm = { cmd = "norm" },

:gear: Usage and Customization

Each command you want to preview requires a name (must be upper-case) and the name of an existing command that is run on each keypress.

Here is a list of available settings:

Key Type Description
cmd string The name of an existing command to preview.
args string? | function(arg: string?, opts: table) -> string Arguments passed to the command. If a function, takes in the options passed to the command and must return the transformed argument(s) cmd will be called with. opts has the same structure as the opts table passed to the nvim_create_user_command callback function. If nil, the arguments are supplied from the command-line while the user is typing the command.
range string? The range to prepend to the command. Set this to "" if you don't want the new command to receive a count, e.g. when turning :9Reg a into :norm 9@a. If nil, the range will be supplied from the command entered.


The following example creates a :Reg command which allows you to preview the effects of macros (e.g. :5Reg a to run macro a five times).

local commands = {
  Reg = {
    cmd = "norm",
    -- This will transform ":5Reg a" into ":norm 5@a"
    args = function(opts)
      return (opts.count == -1 and "" or opts.count) .. "@" .. opts.args
    range = "",

require("live-command").setup {
  commands = commands,

All of the following options can be set globally (for all created commands), or per command.

To change the default options globally, use the defaults table. The defaults are:

require("live-command").setup {
  defaults = {
    enable_highlighting = true,
    inline_highlighting = true,
    hl_groups = {
      insertion = "DiffAdd",
      deletion = "DiffDelete",
      change = "DiffChange",

enable_highlighting: boolean

Default: true

Whether highlights should be shown. If false, only text changes are shown.

inline_highlighting: boolean

Default: true

If true, differing lines will be compared in a second run of the diff algorithm. This can result in multiple highlights per line. Otherwise, the whole line will be highlighted as a single change highlight.

hl_groups: table<string, string|boolean>

Default: { insertion = "DiffAdd", deletion = "DiffDelete", change = "DiffChange" }

A list of highlight groups per edit type (insertion, deletion or change) used for highlighting buffer changes. The table will be merged with the defaults so you can omit any keys that are the same as the default. If a value is set to false, no highlights will be shown for that type. If hl_groups.deletion is false, deletion edits will not be undone which is otherwise done to make the text changes visible.

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Also consider checking out my other plugin inc-rename.nvim, which is optimized for live-renaming with LSP.