A concise, precise, and high-performance cursor word highlighting plugin for Neovim, implemented in Lua.
🎉 There are many plugins that do this, but none of them support disabling for certain filetypes. So, If I accidentally open a binary file such as .png file it gives me an error
🛠️ Other plugins always reset highlighting when the cursor moves, whereas this plugin does not. It only resets the highlighting when the cursor moves to a new word.
For example, if the cursor is on the character h
in the word hello
, and you move the cursor to e
, other plugins will remove the highlighting from the word hello
and then highlight it again, even though the cursor is still on that word. Consequently, when you move to the o
, it will undergo highlighting five times.
🍕 Easily to disable and enable when needed.
🚀 And a subjective reason is that I used to use the nvim-cursorline plugin before, but I don't use the cursorline feature. Another plugins i found that nvim-cursorword, it works quite similar to this plugin, but its setup method is not like the plugins I usually use. So this is the reason for this plugin.
Compare with nvim cursorline
Nvim cursorline error when accidentally open a binary file
This plugin fixed this error.
-- lazy
event = "VeryLazy",
config = true,
-- default configuration
max_word_length = 100, -- if cursorword length > max_word_length then not highlight
min_word_length = 2, -- if cursorword length < min_word_length then not highlight
excluded = {
filetypes = {
buftypes = {
-- "nofile",
-- "terminal",
patterns = { -- the pattern to match with the file path
-- "%.png$",
-- "%.jpg$",
-- "%.jpeg$",
-- "%.pdf$",
-- "%.zip$",
-- "%.tar$",
-- "%.tar%.gz$",
-- "%.tar%.xz$",
-- "%.tar%.bz2$",
-- "%.rar$",
-- "%.7z$",
-- "%.mp3$",
-- "%.mp4$",
highlight = {
underline = true,
fg = nil,
bg = nil,
Args | Description |
toggle |
Toggle highlight the word under the cursor |
enable |
Enable highlight the word under the cursor |
disable |
Disable highlight the word under the cursor |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details