This plugin enables you to effortlessly open the URL under the cursor in Neovim, bypassing the need for netrw, and instead utilizing the default browser of your system. It provides the convenience of automatically detecting and highlighting all URLs within the text content.
NOTE: Since I am the linux user so i only test this plugin on linux, if you are using macos or windows and you have any problem with this plugin, please open an issue or create a pull request to fix it
).Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
, "sontungexpt/url-open"
)."lodash": "^4.17.21",
-- lazy.nvim
event = "VeryLazy",
cmd = "URLOpenUnderCursor",
config = function()
local status_ok, url_open = pcall(require, "url-open")
if not status_ok then
url_open.setup ({})
instead of main
branch. Make sure you know that your config is valid-- lazy.nvim
branch = "mini",
event = "VeryLazy",
cmd = "URLOpenUnderCursor",
config = function()
local status_ok, url_open = pcall(require, "url-open")
if not status_ok then
url_open.setup ({})
You can easily add more patterns to open url under cursor by adding more patterns to extra_patterns
-- default values
-- default will open url with default browser of your system or you can choose your browser like this
-- open_app = "micorsoft-edge-stable",
-- google-chrome, firefox, micorsoft-edge-stable, opera, brave, vivaldi
open_app = "default",
-- If true, only open the URL when the cursor is in the middle of the URL.
-- If false, open the next URL found from the cursor position,
-- which means you can open a URL even when the cursor is in front of the URL or in the middle of the URL.
open_only_when_cursor_on_url = false,
highlight_url = {
all_urls = {
enabled = false,
fg = "#21d5ff", -- "text" or "#rrggbb"
-- fg = "text", -- text will set underline same color with text
bg = nil, -- nil or "#rrggbb"
underline = true,
cursor_move = {
enabled = true,
fg = "#199eff", -- "text" or "#rrggbb"
-- fg = "text", -- text will set underline same color with text
bg = nil, -- nil or "#rrggbb"
underline = true,
deep_pattern = false,
-- a list of patterns to open url under cursor
extra_patterns = {
-- {
-- pattern = '["]([^%s]*)["]:%s*"[^"]*%d[%d%.]*"',
-- prefix = "",
-- suffix = "",
-- file_patterns = { "package%.json" },
-- excluded_file_patterns = nil,
-- extra_condition = function(pattern_found)
-- return not vim.tbl_contains({ "version", "proxy" }, pattern_found)
-- end,
-- },
-- so the url will be[pattern_found]
-- {
-- pattern = '["]([^%s]*)["]:%s*"[^"]*%d[%d%.]*"',
-- prefix = "",
-- suffix = "/issues",
-- file_patterns = { "package%.json" },
-- excluded_file_patterns = nil,
-- extra_condition = function(pattern_found)
-- return not vim.tbl_contains({ "version", "proxy" }, pattern_found)
-- end,
-- },
-- so the url will be[pattern_found]/issues
Command | Description |
:URLOpenUnderCursor |
Open url under cursor |
:URLOpenHighlightAll |
Highlight all url in current buffer |
:URLOpenHighlightAllClear |
Clear all highlight url in current buffer |
vim.keymap.set("n", "gx", "<esc>:URLOpenUnderCursor<cr>")
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details