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7 months ago

The main theme for stinvim

Easy to use, easy to config, easy to extend.


ðŸĪĐ Beautiful colorscheme.

😁 Support for many themes, including: dark, light, and more(coming soon).

ðŸĪ” Easy to config, easy to extend.

ðŸĪ— Support for dimming inactive windows.

ðŸĪĐ Support for add more highlight of the theme.

ðŸĪŠ Support for add more theme.

😆 Witch boasts robust support for loading customized syntax highlighting tailored to specific filetypes, buftypes, events.

😁 Easy to switch between themes easily with :Witch <theme_name> command.

👀 Try to load highlighting incrementally to hopefully reduce the time it takes to load the neovim.


The colors in the preview may appear different from those in your Vim due to potential errors during color conversion.



    -- lazy
        priority = 1000,
        lazy = false,
        config = function(_, opts)


    require("witch").setup {
        theme = {
            -- if you disable the theme, no default highlight styles will be set by default
            -- you must to add a customs module or extras module to set the highlight styles
            enabled = true,

            -- default style of the theme
            -- "dark", "light"
            style = "dark",

            -- more module that you want it should be loaded
            extras = {
                -- bracket = true,
                -- dashboard = true,
                -- diffview = true,
                -- explorer = true,
                -- indentline = true,

                -- you can disable startup module by setting enabled to false
                -- then you can add the startup module by yourself like extras module like above
                -- ["startup.<module_name>"] = true,

            -- custome your highlight module
            -- see: witch.theme.example
            customs = {
                -- require("witch.theme.example"),

            -- This function is called when witch starts highlighting.
            -- It provides a unique opportunity to modify the default highlight groups.
            -- If you wish to customize the default highlight groups, you can do so here.
            -- This function is invoked after loading all colors and highlight options
            -- but before applying the highlights, allowing users to adjust undesired highlights.
            -- you can do something like this
            -- on_highlight = function(style, colors, highlight)
            -- 	if style == "dark" then
            -- 		-- change the default background of witch
            -- = "#000000"

            -- 		-- change the Normal highlight group of witch
            -- 		highlight.Normal = { fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#000000" }
            -- 	elseif style == "light" then
            -- 		-- change the default background of witch
            -- = "#ffffff"

            -- 		-- change the Normal highlight group of witch
            -- 		highlight.Normal = { fg = "#000000", bg = "#ffffff" }
            -- 	end
            -- end,

            --- @param style string : the current style of the theme
            --- @param colors table : the current colors of the theme
            --- @param highlight table : the current highlights of the theme
            on_highlight = function(style, colors, highlight)

        -- dims inactive windows
        dim_inactive = {
            enabled = true,
            -- from 0 to 1
            -- as nearer to 1 the dimming will be lighter
            level = 0.48,

            -- Prevent dimming the last active window when switching to a window
            -- with specific filetypes or buftypes listed in the excluded table.
            -- The idea of this option is when change to a window like NvimTree, Telescope, ...
            -- where these windows are considered auxiliary tools.
            -- the last active window retains its status as the main window
            -- and should not be dimmed upon switching.
            excluded = {
                filetypes = {
                    NvimTree = true,
                buftypes = {
                    nofile = true,
                    prompt = true,
                    terminal = true,

        -- true if you want to use command StinvimUISwitch
        switcher = true,

        -- add your custom themes here
        more_themes = {

            -- the key is the name of the theme must be in PascalCase
            -- the value is the table of colors to be passed to the theme
            -- with following format in witch.colors.example
            -- Custom1 = {},
            -- Custom2 = {},


Command Description
:Witch <theme_name> Switch to the specified theme, fallback to default theme if not found


Event Description
WitchHighlightDone This event is fired when witch has finished highlighting of a module. You can use this to reload highlight of some plugin such as NvimTree after change theme


    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
        pattern = "WitchHighlightDone",
        callback = function(event)
            -- is the name of the module that witch has finished highlighting
            if == "nvimtree" then
                print("WitchHighlightDone nvimtree")

Custom Highlight

With witch, you can easily add your custom highlight to the theme by creating a new module in some where in your config and add it to the customs option.

The module should has the structure like this: example

    require("witch").setup {
        theme = {
            customs = {
                -- your module
                -- ...

ðŸĪ— We also provide some default highlight module that you can use to extend the theme see here. So to enable these module, you can add the name of module to the extras option

    require("witch").setup {
        theme = {
            extras = {
                bracket = true,
                dashboard = true,
                diffview = true,
                explorer = true,
                indentline = true,

Custom Theme

With witch, you can also add your custom theme to the theme.

ðŸ˜Ē Unfortunately, it's not really flexible you just can change the colors of the table colors rigidly.

You can see the colors format in here

So, if you have any idea to make it more flexible, please let me know.

    require("witch").setup {
        more_themes = {
            -- the key is the name of the theme must be in PascalCase
            Custom1 = {
                bg = "#161f31", -- the background color
                bg_dark = "#0d1829", -- the background color of floating windows
                bg_line = "#0d1829", -- the background color of the statusline and tabline
                bg_visual = "#253557", -- the background color of the visual selection
                bg_highlight = "#1f2b49", -- the background color of the line the cursor is on
                bg_gutter = "#1b305d", -- the background color of fold
                bg_sidebar = "#1b305d", -- the background color of the sidebar, fallback to bf_dark if not defined

                fg = "#c9d8ee", -- the foreground color
                fg_dark = "#a9bad6", -- the foreground color of floating windows
                fg_sidebar = "#a9bad6", -- the foreground color of the sidebar, fallback to fg_dark if not defined

                yellow = "#f0a421",
                yellow1 = "#e6cc4c",
                bright_yellow = "#ffc021",

                red = "#dc4154",
                red1 = "#ff5874",
                red2 = "#ee4c96",

                cyan = "#7dcfff",
                cyan1 = "#75c8cc",

                black = "#000000",
                white = "#ffffff",

                green = "#5bcf75",

                orange = "#f99635",
                orange1 = "#f78c6c",
                orange2 = "#f78782",
                light_orange = "#ffd59d",

                blue = "#50bcef",
                blue1 = "#629df2",
                blue2 = "#698ff1",

                link = "#8bdafe",

                teal = "#5cd0a0",

                gray = "#596683",
                graphite = "#738eaf",
                light_gray = "#64739a",

                pink = "#f36cde",
                pink1 = "#ed66c2",

                purple = "#b278ea",

                brown = "#c17e70",

                magenta = "#da87ea",
                magenta1 = "#ff3483",

                border = "#3d88c4",
                dark_border = "#37518d",
                graphite_border = "#465968",

                comment = "#6675ae", -- the color of comments
                string = "#ffd39b", -- the color of strings
                operator = "#7bc0cc", -- the color of operators

                error = "#e64152",
                info = "#59d1f2",
                warn = "#ffcb44",
                hint = "#1abc9c",
                todo = "#f78c6c",
                unnecessary = "#375172",

                -- if you want to change the terminal colors, you can do so here
                -- the term_0 - term_15 colors has the priority over the term_black - term_bright_white colors
                term_0 = "#000000",
                term_8 = "#4d4d4d",

                term_7 = "#ffffff",
                term_15 = "#ffffff",

                term_1 = "#fc3753",
                term_9 = "#fc3753",

                term_2 = "#37a16f",
                term_10 = "#4ad860",

                term_3 = "#f0a421",
                term_11 = "#f0a421",

                term_4 = "#1e9eff",
                term_12 = "#1e9eff",

                term_5 = "#f36cde",
                term_13 = "#f36cde",

                term_6 = "#7dcfff",
                term_14 = "#7dcfff",

                term_black = "#000000",
                term_bright_black = "#4d4d4d",

                term_white = "#ffffff",
                term_bright_white = "#ffffff",

                term_red = "#fc3753",
                term_bright_red = "#fc3753",

                term_green = "#4ad860",
                term_bright_green = "#4ad860",

                term_yellow = "#f0a421",
                term_bright_yellow = "#f0a421",

                term_blue = "#1e9eff",
                term_bright_blue = "#1e9eff",

                term_magenta = "#f36cde",
                term_bright_magenta = "#f36cde",

                term_cyan = "#7dcfff",
                term_bright_cyan = "#7dcfff",

            Custom2 = {
                -- your colors


Because I follow minimalism, I just support the basic features that I use.

If you need more features, please feel free to open an issue or pull request with and image or a video to show your color scheme.

Hope you enjoy it!

I look forward to more highlight styles from you.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details