A few functions for make work with PHP 7.4 (or more) projects easy and quickly.
config = true,
keys = {
{'-#', '<CMD>PHPEasyAttribute<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-b', '<CMD>PHPEasyDocBlock<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-r', '<CMD>PHPEasyReplica<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-c', '<CMD>PHPEasyCopy<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-d', '<CMD>PHPEasyDelete<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-uu', '<CMD>PHPEasyRemoveUnusedUses<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-e', '<CMD>PHPEasyExtends<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-i', '<CMD>PHPEasyImplements<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'--i', '<CMD>PHPEasyInitInterface<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'--c', '<CMD>PHPEasyInitClass<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'--ac', '<CMD>PHPEasyInitAbstractClass<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'--t', '<CMD>PHPEasyInitTrait<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'--e', '<CMD>PHPEasyInitEnum<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-c', '<CMD>PHPEasyAppendConstant<CR>', ft = 'php', mode = {'n', 'v'}},
{'-p', '<CMD>PHPEasyAppendProperty<CR>', ft = 'php', mode = {'n', 'v'}},
{'-m', '<CMD>PHPEasyAppendMethod<CR>', ft = 'php', mode = {'n', 'v'}},
{'__', '<CMD>PHPEasyAppendConstruct<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'_i', '<CMD>PHPEasyAppendInvoke<CR>', ft = 'php'},
{'-a', '<CMD>PHPEasyAppendArgument<CR>', ft = 'php'},
dependencies = {
opts = {
onAppend = {
engine = 'LuaSnip'
keys = {
Example Key Binding | Function | Description |
Any | function or property or constant | |
-y |
PHPEasyCopy |
Yank (copy) any under cursor |
-r |
PHPEasyReplica |
Replica any: Copy under cursor, paste after current and trigger rename function |
-d |
PHPEasyDelete |
Delete any under cursor |
-b |
PHPEasyDocBlock |
PhpDocBlock for any or class or variable |
-# |
PHPEasyAttribute |
Add #[Attribute] for any or class |
Append | ||
-c |
PHPEasyAppendConstant |
Append constant |
-p |
PHPEasyAppendProperty |
Append property |
-m |
PHPEasyAppendMethod |
Append method |
-t |
PHPEasyAppendTrait |
Append tait |
-__ |
PHPEasyAppendConstruct |
Append **__**construct |
-_i |
PHPEasyAppendInvoke |
Append __invoke |
-a |
PHPEasyAppendArgument |
Append new argument in current function |
Objects | ||
-uu |
PHPEasyRemoveUnusedUses |
Remove unused uses from current file, if you use lsp: intelephense |
-e |
PHPEasyExtends |
Extends current class |
-i |
PHPEasyImplements |
Implements current class |
--c |
PHPEasyInitClass |
Initialize class in current file |
--ac |
PHPEasyInitAbstractClass |
Initialize abstract class in current file |
--i |
PHPEasyInitInterface |
Initialize interface in current file |
--t |
PHPEasyInitTrait |
Initialize trait in current file |
--e |
PHPEasyInitEnum |
Initialize enum in current file |
regex = { -- regex for parse php file
tab = ' ',
startTab = '^' .. tab,
visibility = startTab .. '\\(public\\|protected\\|private\\|\\)\\s\\{1}',
static = '\\(static\\s\\|\\)',
readonly = '\\(readonly\\s\\|\\)',
constant = visibility .. 'const ',
property = visibility .. static .. readonly .. '\\(?*\\w\\+\\s\\|\\)\\$',
method = visibility .. static .. 'function',
construct = method .. ' __construct(',
methodEnd = startTab .. '}',
comment = startTab .. '\\/',
commentMiddle = startTab .. '\\*',
commentEnd = startTab .. '\\s\\*',
any = startTab .. '[p}]\\{1}',
variable = '\\(' .. tab .. '\\)\\+\\$\\w\\+\\s\\{1}=\\s\\{1}',
object = '^\\(final class\\|abstract class\\|class\\|interface\\|trait\\|enum\\)\\s\\{1}',
onSave = { -- on save php file action
removeUnusedUses = true -- remove unused uses (then use lsp: intelephense)
onAppend = { -- on append entity
engine = 'defalut' -- how to insert template. 'default' - just string, 'LuaSinp' - via 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip'