Configurable tools for working with markdown files in Neovim.
Install markdown.nvim with your preferred plugin manager.
ft = "markdown", -- or 'event = "VeryLazy"'
opts = {
-- configuration here or empty for defaults
config = function()
-- configuration here or empty for defaults
Plug 'tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim'
" after plug#end()
" provide `setup()` configuration options or leave empty for defaults
lua require('markdown').setup()
{ "tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim",
config = function()
-- configuration here or empty for defaults
markdown.nvim provides help docs that can be accessed by running :help markdown.nvim
Detailed plugin configuration information can be found in the help doc (:h markdown.configuration
A call to require("markdown").setup()
is necessary for commands and keybindings to be registered in markdown buffers.
A table of configuration options can optionally be passed to the setup()
function. Any fields in the table will overwrite the corresponding default. markdown.nvim uses the following defaults:
-- Disable all keymaps by setting mappings field to 'false'.
-- Selectively disable keymaps by setting corresponding field to 'false'.
mappings = {
inline_surround_toggle = "gs", -- (string|boolean) toggle inline style
inline_surround_toggle_line = "gss", -- (string|boolean) line-wise toggle inline style
inline_surround_delete = "ds", -- (string|boolean) delete emphasis surrounding cursor
inline_surround_change = "cs", -- (string|boolean) change emphasis surrounding cursor
link_add = "gl", -- (string|boolean) add link
link_follow = "gx", -- (string|boolean) follow link
go_curr_heading = "]c", -- (string|boolean) set cursor to current section heading
go_parent_heading = "]p", -- (string|boolean) set cursor to parent section heading
go_next_heading = "]]", -- (string|boolean) set cursor to next section heading
go_prev_heading = "[[", -- (string|boolean) set cursor to previous section heading
inline_surround = {
-- For the emphasis, strong, strikethrough, and code fields:
-- * 'key': used to specify an inline style in toggle, delete, and change operations
-- * 'txt': text inserted when toggling or changing to the corresponding inline style
emphasis = {
key = "i",
txt = "*",
strong = {
key = "b",
txt = "**",
strikethrough = {
key = "s",
txt = "~~",
code = {
key = "c",
txt = "`",
link = {
paste = {
enable = true, -- whether to convert URLs to links on paste
toc = {
-- Comment text to flag headings/sections for omission in table of contents.
omit_heading = "toc omit heading",
omit_section = "toc omit section",
-- Cycling list markers to use in table of contents.
-- Use '.' and ')' for ordered lists.
markers = { "-" },
-- Hook functions allow for overriding or extending default behavior.
-- Called with a table of options and a fallback function with default behavior.
-- Signature: fun(opts: table, fallback: fun())
hooks = {
-- Called when following links. Provided the following options:
-- * 'dest' (string): the link destination
-- * 'use_default_app' (boolean|nil): whether to open the destination with default application
-- (refer to documentation on <Plug> mappings for explanation of when this option is used)
follow_link = nil,
on_attach = nil, -- (fun(bufnr: integer)) callback when plugin attaches to a buffer
is useful for creating additional buffer-only keymaps:
on_attach = function(bufnr)
local map = vim.keymap.set
local opts = { buffer = bufnr }
map({ 'n', 'i' }, '<M-l><M-o>', '<Cmd>MDListItemBelow<CR>', opts)
map({ 'n', 'i' }, '<M-L><M-O>', '<Cmd>MDListItemAbove<CR>', opts)
map('n', '<M-c>', '<Cmd>MDTaskToggle<CR>', opts)
map('x', '<M-c>', ':MDTaskToggle<CR>', opts)
markdown.nvim can even be configured to support standard/typical inline style keybindings in visual mode like <C-b>
for strong/bold and <C-i>
for emphasis/italic:
on_attach = function(bufnr)
local function toggle(key)
return "<Esc>gv<Cmd>lua require'markdown.inline'"
.. ".toggle_emphasis_visual'" .. key .. "'<CR>"
vim.keymap.set("x", "<C-b>", toggle("b"), { buffer = bufnr })
vim.keymap.set("x", "<C-i>", toggle("i"), { buffer = bufnr })
mappingsmarkdown.nvim sets up <Plug>
mappings regardless of configuration. Most are used by the configuration mappings described above:
<Plug> Mapping |
Configuration Mapping |
<Plug>(markdown_toggle_emphasis) |
inline_surround_toggle |
<Plug>(markdown_toggle_emphasis_line) |
inline_surround_toggle_line |
<Plug>(markdown_toggle_emphasis_visual) |
inline_surround_toggle |
<Plug>(markdown_delete_emphasis) |
inline_surround_delete |
<Plug>(markdown_change_emphasis) |
inline_surround_change |
<Plug>(markdown_add_link) |
link_add |
<Plug>(markdown_add_link_visual) |
link_add |
<Plug>(markdown_follow_link) |
link_follow |
<Plug>(markdown_go_current_heading) |
go_curr_heading |
<Plug>(markdown_go_parent_heading) |
go_parent_heading |
<Plug>(markdown_go_next_heading) |
go_next_heading |
<Plug>(markdown_go_prev_heading) |
go_prev_heading |
The following <Plug>
mappings are not used by markdown.nvim's configuration:
<Plug> Mapping |
Description |
<Plug>(markdown_follow_link_default_app) |
Like <Plug>(markdown_follow_link) but opens links to non-markdown files in the default application for the link destination. The hook follow_link is called before following the link with the option 'use_default_app' set to 'true'. |
Detailed usage instructions can be found in the help doc (:h markdown.usage
markdown.nvim is broken up into different feature categories:
markdown.nvim provides keymaps to toggle, delete, and change emphasis and code spans, referred to in this section as "styles". The supported styles and the default keys used to refer to them are:
Style | Key |
emphasis (typically rendered in italic) | "i" |
strong (typically rendered in bold) | "b" |
strikethrough | "s" |
code span | "c" |
Inline styles can be toggled over vim motions in normal and visual mode. Toggled styles are only applied to appropriate markdown elements (i.e., not blank lines, list markers, etc.). For example, a motion that includes a list marker and multiple blocks will only apply the style to inline content:
toggle strong over five lines
paragraph block **paragraph block**
- list item - **list item**
another paragraph **another pargraph
over two lines over two lines**
In normal mode this is done with gs{motion}{style}, where {style} is the key corresponding to the style to toggle. Like other vim motions, a [count] can be specified before and after the gs. Styles can also be toggled over the current line using gss{style}. A [count] can be specified to toggle over multiple lines.
Before | Command | After |
^some text |
gs2es | ~~some text~~ |
some t^ext |
gsiwb | some **text** |
some *t^ext* |
gsiwi | some text |
***some^ text*** |
gssb | *some text* |
denotes cursor position
Styles can be toggled in visual mode based on a visual selection using gs{style}.
Before | Command | After |
^some text$ |
gss | ~~some text~~ |
some ^text$ |
gsb | some **text** |
some *^text$* |
gsi | some text |
***^some text$*** |
gsb | *some text* |
and $
denote selection start and end, respectively
Styles can also be toggled in visual block mode.
Before | Command | After
- list ^item$ 1 | | - list *item* 1
- li2 | | - li2
| gsi |
- list ^item$ 3 | | - list *item* 3
- list ^item$ 4 | | - list *item* 4
`^` and `$` denote block selection start and end on each line, respectively
Inline styles around the cursor can be deleted in normal mode using ds{style}, where {style} is the key corresponding to the style to delete. Only the style directly surrounding the cursor will be deleted.
Before | Command | After |
**some^ *text*** |
dsb | some *text* |
**some *t^ext*** |
dsb | some *text* |
**some **t^ext**** |
dsb | **some text** |
denotes cursor position
Inline styles around the cursor can be changed in normal mode using cs{from}{to}, where {from} and {to} are the keys corresponding to the current style ({from}) and the new style ({to}). Only the matching {from} style directly surrounding the cursor will be changed.
Before | Command | After |
**some^ *text*** |
csbi | *some *text** |
**some *t^ext*** |
csbi | *some *text** |
**some **t^ext**** |
csbs | **some ~~text~~** |
denotes cursor position
A table of contents (TOC) is created from the top-level ATX and setext headings of markdown buffers.
The :MDInsertToc [max_level] [markers]
command adds a TOC by inserting (normal mode) or replacing selected lines (visual mode). Optional arguments can be provided to set the max heading level to include and the list markers to alternate through for each heading level.
The :MDToc [max_level]
and :MDTocAll [max_level]
commands show a TOC for the current buffer in the current window's location list. :MDToc
omits flagged headings and MDTocAll
includes all headings. An optional argument can be provided to set the max heading level to include.
Headings and entire sections can be omitted from the TOC by flagging them with <!-- toc omit heading -->
and <!-- toc omit section -->
, respectively. The flag can either be placed directly above (i.e., on the line immediately preceding) or within the heading content. For example, the following headings would be omitted:
# heading 1 <!-- toc omit heading -->
<!-- toc omit heading -->
## heading 2
<!-- toc omit section -->
# section heading omitted
## subsection heading also omitted
Most list editing commands are intended to be invoked by custom keymaps (see notes on the on_attach
field under configuration).
Use the :MDListItemBelow
and :MDListItemAbove
commands to insert a new list item below and above the current cursor position, respectively. Both commands maintain the same indentation and list marker as the item under the cursor. The commands do nothing if the cursor is not within an existing list.
When inserting an item in an ordered list, numbering is reset automatically for that list.
The :MDResetListNumbering
command resets the numbering of all ordered lists in the current buffer (normal mode) or under the current visual selection (visual mode).
The :MDTaskToggle
command toggles the task(s) on the current cursor line (normal mode) or under the current visual selection (visual mode).
Links can be added over vim motions in normal and visual mode. Links are only added when the motion is within one inline block (i.e., not over list markers, blank lines, etc.). In normal mode this is done with gl{motion} and over a visual selection with gl.
Follow links under the cursor in normal mode with gx. Supported in-editor navigation:
: headings in the current buffer./destination
: files and directories relative to the current buffer/destination
: files and directories relative to the working directoryURL destinations are opened in the browser.
URLs can be pasted over a visual selection (not a visual block selection) from the system clipboard as markdown links. The visual selection must be contained by one inline block (i.e., conversion to a link will not occur if the visual selection includes blank lines, list markers, etc.).
Markdown buffers can be navigated with the following keymaps:
: go to the current section heading]p
: go to the parent section heading]]
: go to the next section heading[[
: go to the previous section headingThe following code snippets show how to install markdown.nvim as an nvim-treesitter module. Refer to nvim-treesitter for the appropriate way to install and manage parsers.
dependencies = { "tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim" },
config = function()
ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", --[[ other parsers you need ]] },
markdown = {
enable = true,
-- configuration here or nothing for defaults
requires = { { "tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim" } },
config = function()
ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", --[[ other parsers you need ]] },
markdown = {
enable = true,
-- configuration here or nothing for defaults
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'
Plug 'tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim'
" after plug#end()
lua << EOF
ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", --[[ other parsers you need ]] },
markdown = {
enable = true,
-- configuration here or nothing for defaults
{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
requires = { "tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim" },
config = function()
ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", --[[ other parsers you need ]] },
markdown = {
enable = true,
-- configuration here or nothing for defaults
When markdown.nvim is configured as an nvim-treesitter module, configuration options are passed to the require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup()
function. All configuration options are the same as described in the configuration section.
local configs = require("nvim-treesitter.configs")
ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", --[[ other parsers you need ]] },
markdown = {
enable = true, -- must be specified to enable markdown.nvim as a module
-- configuration here or nothing for defaults