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3 months ago

banner-light banner-dark


A fancy and sophisticated designer neovim theme built with lush.nvim. It features a much more comprehensive usage of syntax scopes and color consistency, with due regards to aesthetics, contrast and readability. There is a light and dark variant. Most popular plugins are also supported, see Plugins

This theme also works very good with blue light filters like Apple's Nightshift Mode or f.lux.

This is a port of the popular Visual Studio Code Themes Bluloco Light and Bluloco Dark


If you like using this, please consider donating a little bit. It takes a lot of time to keep this updated with neovim and plugin updates. I want to keep bluloco a great experience for everybody and your help would be immensely motivating to keep me doing this. :)






  • Auto switching light & dark style
  • Configureable transparency and italics
  • Exhaustive plugin support
  • Written in lua


Currently supported (aka. tested) plugins:

Plugin showcase

You can see a lot of screenshots of themed plugins in the wiki page. No config needed, works out of the box.


Install Bluloco with your favorite package manager.


use {
    requires = { 'rktjmp/lush.nvim' }


  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  dependencies = { 'rktjmp/lush.nvim' },
  config = function()
    -- your optional config goes here, see below.


⚠️ The setup() function is optional but please call it before you set the colorscheme if you want to adjust the config.

These are the default values:

  style = "auto",               -- "auto" | "dark" | "light"
  transparent = false,
  italics = false,
  terminal = vim.fn.has("gui_running") == 1, -- bluoco colors are enabled in gui terminals per default.
  guicursor   = true,

vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.cmd('colorscheme bluloco')

You can also apply the style variant directly.
These are especially helpful when switching in an already running vim session.

:colorscheme bluloco-dark
:colorscheme bluloco-light


Make sure your lualine settings are set to auto:

require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = 'auto'



There are three styles you can configure here: auto, dark and light.
The auto setting is the default and will adjust automatically to your vim.o.background value. If you change this value during runtime, it will also adjust accordingly.

ℹ️ The style value only applies if you set the theme with vim.cmd('colorscheme bluloco').
Setting the theme with a variant directly will override this setting.

transparency (default: false)

This setting will disable the background and use the default background of your terminal. You need to enable this if you want the terminal to be transparent. You would still need to configure your terminal accordingly for light and dark backgrounds when switching often.

italics (default: false)

This setting will enable italics for keywords, comments and markup attributes.

terminal (default: true in gui, otherwise false)

This setting will enable the bluloco colors in your integrated terminal. You most likely want to keep your terminal colors instead of overriding them if you are running neovim in a terminal. When you are running neovim inside a gui application this setting is enabled per default.

You can skip the terminal setting completely to have it disabled in terminals and enabled in gui neovim.

ℹ️ Please note that some terminals will display bold text as the bright color variant but enabling this feature will override this behavior in the intergrated terminal. This is by design and has nothing to do with this theme. see

guicursor (default: true)

This setting sets a guicursor to fix your terminal cursor and make it colorful (as intended). It is enabled by default. If you want to override this, make sure to set your :set guicursor after loading the theme or disable it completely.

Terminal Colors

I've added a bunch of terminal themes for your terminal emulators. I've used the great iTerm-Color-Schemes repository for this, thanks @mbadolato!

They are located at terminal-themes/. Please follow your terminals installation guide in how to apply them.

Switching light and dark theme according your OS settings

This themes light and dark variant are meant to be used during day and night. To make this easily possible I am using the auto-dark-mode.nvim plugin For a seamless integration make sure your bluloco.config.style is set to "auto". My auto-dark-mode.nvim config looks like this:

local auto_dark_mode = require('auto-dark-mode')

local function isAuto()
  return require('bluloco').config.style == 'auto'

  update_interval = 1000,
  set_dark_mode = function()
    if isAuto() then
      vim.o.background = 'dark'
  set_light_mode = function()
    if isAuto() then
      vim.o.background = 'light'

If you are also using lazygit as your git client, you might be interested in this wiki guide to set it up correctly with bluloco.
Auto-dark light mode included.


I'd be more than happy for any bugs you find and add an issue.
Pull requests are warmly welcome especially for missing plugin support.