A commenting plugin written in Lua that actually works.
This plugin uses commentstring
and custom comment definition for accurately comment and uncomment code.
Use commented.nvim
to toggle a comment with code tag. You can check all existing codetags here, PR welcomed.
{ expr = true, silent = true, noremap = true }
No default is provided for the codetags binding. You can enable them like this or map them manually with vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
. The key in codetags_keybindings
has to match the key in codetags
-- packer.nvim example
config = function()
codetags_keybindings = {
fixme = "<leader>f",
fixme_line = "<leader>ff",
todo = "<leader>t",
todo_line = "<leader>tt",
bug = "<leader>b",
bug_line = "<leader>bb",
note = "<leader>n",
note_line = "<leader>nn",
wont_fix = "<leader>w",
wont_fix_line = "<leader>ww",
You can also create a custom tag, using commented
local foo = function()
return commented("bar")
{ expr = true, silent = true, noremap = true }
Provide sensible comment symbols default for as much language as possible (Always a WIP, 50+ right now)
Handle multi-line block comment, both commenting and uncommenting
Commenting lines in normal mode and visual line mode
Support counts for commenting in normal mode (e.g. 2<leader>c2j
, 3<leader>cc
Toggleable commenting command
Handle uncommenting multiple comment patterns(inline and block comment) correctly
Handle comments with various spacing correctly
Comment ex-mode command that handles range included
Provide the correct commentstring
for filetype not handled by neovim initially
Integrate with any plugin that dynamically switch cms
based on embedded languages
I need a comment plugin that works in normal mode and virtual mode and accepts count. Neither does kommentary and nvim-comment provide counts, therefore I decided to write one for myself.
Plug 'winston0410/commented.nvim'
Do not set this plugin as optional, as sensible default has been made with ftplugin
This is the default configuration.
local opts = {
comment_padding = " ", -- padding between starting and ending comment symbols
keybindings = {n = "<leader>c", v = "<leader>c", nl = "<leader>cc"}, -- what key to toggle comment, nl is for mapping <leader>c$, just like dd for d
prefer_block_comment = false, -- Set it to true to automatically use block comment when multiple lines are selected
set_keybindings = true, -- whether or not keybinding is set on setup
ex_mode_cmd = "Comment" -- command for commenting in ex-mode, set it null to not set the command initially.
You can define your own mapping with require('commented').toggle_comment(mode)
If you are happy with it, just call setup()
to make it start working.
If this plugin doesn't work for the language you use, you can contribute and add those symbols here for that language. The key for the pattern doesn't matter.
This plugin integrates with those that change commentstring
dynamically in two ways. Using nvim-ts-context-commentstring
as an example:
You could use an autocommand to dynamically set the commentstring
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
context_commentstring = {
enable = true,
-- This plugin provided an autocommand option
enable_autocmd = true,
But this will depends on updatetime
, which may be slow. Another approach is to use hook, which is faster and doesn't depend on updatetime
hooks = {
before_comment = require("ts_context_commentstring.internal").update_commentstring,