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5 days ago

🌈 undo-glow.nvim

undo-glow.nvim is a Neovim plugin that adds a visual "glow" effect to your neovim operations. It highlights the exact region that’s changed, giving you immediate visual feedback on your edits. You can even enable glow for non-changing texts!

[!note] This plugin does nothing upon installationβ€”no keymaps or autocommands are set by default. You'll need to configure them yourself. See Quick Start and get started easily in no time!

✨ Features

  • Visual Feedback For Changes: Highlights the region affected by text changes commands (E.g. undo, redo, comment).
  • Visual Feedback For Non-changes: Highlights any region from an operation (E.g. search next, search prev, search star, yank).
  • Simple API For Custom Highlights: Simple API to create and attach your own commands that glows.
  • Customizable Appearance: Easily change the glow duration, highlight colors and animations.
  • Zero Dependencies: Uses Neovim's native APIs for efficient real-time highlighting with zero dependencies.
  • Window-Specific Highlighting: Restrict highlights & animations to the active window when the same buffers are splitted, ensuring that only the current view displays the visual feedback.
  • Seamless Integration: Harmoniously works with plugins like mini.cursorword, Snacks.words and render-markdown.nvim to provide a consistent and enhanced highlighting experience.

πŸ”₯ Status

This project is feature complete at this point. The rest of the commits will be focusing on bug fixes, optimizations and additional commands that fits in the scope of this project.

[!note] I am mainly daily driving this plugin, and the core functionality are properly tested. If there's anything that are not working based on your workflow, and it should fall under the scope of this plugin, please raise an issue or even better, send in a PR for fix.

πŸ“ Differences from other similar plugins

There are alot of similars plugins that you can simply find from github. The main differences of undo-glow.nvim from the rest are:

  • Fully configurable animations with customizable easings
  • Exposed APIs to create your own highlight actions
  • Per-action configuration for colors and animations
  • Non-intrusive design - no automatic keymaps or autocmds
  • Library potential - use it as a foundation for other plugins
  • Tested code - important parts of the codebase are thoroughly tested
  • Easy plugin integration - seamlessly integrate with other plugins via the exposed highlight API
  • Window-Specific Highlighting: Restrict highlights & animations to the active window when the same buffers are splitted, ensuring that only the current view displays the visual feedback.

Is this plugin for you?

If any of the following resonates with you, undo-glow.nvim is the perfect fit for your workflow:

  • You love customization – You want full control over how things look and behave in your editor.
  • You enjoy fine-tuning your config – You prefer setting things up explicitly rather than relying on a plugin’s defaults.
  • You want animations and highlights – You appreciate visual feedback that enhances your editing experience.
  • You value flexibility – You want a plugin that integrates seamlessly with your setup without imposing unwanted keymaps or behaviors.
  • You like building on top of plugins – You’re looking for a plugin that provides APIs for custom highlights and interactions.

If you prefer a plug-and-play experience where everything just works out of the box, this may not be the best fit. However, if you enjoy fine-grained control and want to elevate your Neovim experience with visually pleasing effects, undo-glow.nvim is for you! πŸš€

Alternative to

πŸ‘€ Previews













Significant Cursor Movement (Like beacon.nvim)


πŸ“• Contents

πŸ“¦ Installation

Using lazy.nvim:

-- undo-glow.lua
return {
 version = "*", -- remove this if you want to use the `main` branch
 opts = {
  -- your configuration comes here
  -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
  -- refer to the configuration section below

If you are using other package managers you need to call setup:

  -- your configuration

βš™οΈ Configuration

[!important] Make sure to run :checkhealth undo-glow if something isn't working properly.

undo-glow.nvim is highly configurable. And the default configurations are as below.

Default Options

[!note] Animation is disabled by default, you can turn it on with animation.enabled = true.

[!warning] Note that animation.window_scope is using neovim experimental API, both stable and nightly are using different API for it to work.

---Animation type aliases.
---@alias UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString "fade" | "fade_reverse" | "blink" | "pulse" | "jitter" | "spring" | "desaturate" | "strobe" | "zoom" | "rainbow" | "slide"
---@alias UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn fun(opts: UndoGlow.Animation)

---Easing function aliases.
---@alias UndoGlow.EasingString "linear" | "in_quad" | "out_quad" | "in_out_quad" | "out_in_quad" | "in_cubic" | "out_cubic" | "in_out_cubic" | "out_in_cubic" | "in_quart" | "out_quart" | "in_out_quart" | "out_in_quart" | "in_quint" | "out_quint" | "in_out_quint" | "out_in_quint" | "in_sine" | "out_sine" | "in_out_sine" | "out_in_sine" | "in_expo" | "out_expo" | "in_out_expo" | "out_in_expo" | "in_circ" | "out_circ" | "in_out_circ" | "out_in_circ" | "in_elastic" | "out_elastic" | "in_out_elastic" | "out_in_elastic" | "in_back" | "out_back" | "in_out_back" | "out_in_back" | "in_bounce" | "out_bounce" | "in_out_bounce" | "out_in_bounce"
---@alias UndoGlow.EasingFn fun(opts: UndoGlow.EasingOpts): integer

---Configuration options for undo-glow.
---@class UndoGlow.Config
---@field animation? UndoGlow.Config.Animation Configuration for animations.
---@field highlights? table<"undo" | "redo" | "yank" | "paste" | "search" | "comment" | "cursor", { hl: string, hl_color: UndoGlow.HlColor }> Highlight configurations for various actions.
---@field priority? integer Extmark priority to render the highlight (Default 4096)

---Animation configuration.
---@class UndoGlow.Config.Animation
---@field enabled? boolean Whether animation is enabled.
---@field duration? number Duration of the highlight animation in milliseconds.
---@field animation_type? UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString|UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn Animation type (a string key or a custom function).
---@field easing? UndoGlow.EasingString|UndoGlow.EasingFn Easing function (a string key or a custom function).
---@field fps? number Frames per second for the animation.
---@field window_scoped? boolean If enabled, the highlight effect is constrained to the current active window, even if the buffer is shared across splits.

---Options passed to easing functions.
---@class UndoGlow.EasingOpts
---@field time number Elapsed time (e.g. a progress value between 0 and 1).
---@field begin? number Optional start value.
---@field change? number Optional change value (ending minus beginning).
---@field duration? number Optional total duration.
---@field amplitude? number Optional amplitude (for elastic easing).
---@field period? number Optional period (for elastic easing).
---@field overshoot? number Optional overshoot (for back easing).

---Highlight color information.
---@class UndoGlow.HlColor
---@field bg string Background color as a hex string.
---@field fg? string Optional foreground color as a hex string.

 animation = {
  enabled = false, -- whether to turn on or off for animation
  duration = 100, -- in ms
  animation_type = "fade", -- default to "fade", see more at animation section on how to change or create your own
  fps = 120, -- change the fps, normally either 60 / 120, but it can be whatever number
  easing = "in_out_cubic", -- see more at easing section on how to change and create your own
  window_scoped = false, -- this uses an experimental extmark options (it might not work depends on your version of neovim)
 highlights = { -- Any keys other than these defaults will be ignored and omitted
  undo = {
   hl = "UgUndo", -- This will not set new hlgroup, if it's not "UgUndo", we will try to grab the colors of specified hlgroup and apply to "UgUndo"
   hl_color = { bg = "#FF5555" }, -- Ugly red color
  redo = {
   hl = "UgRedo", -- Same as above
   hl_color = { bg = "#50FA7B" }, -- Ugly green color
  yank = {
   hl = "UgYank", -- Same as above
   hl_color = { bg = "#F1FA8C" }, -- Ugly yellow color
  paste = {
   hl = "UgPaste", -- Same as above
   hl_color = { bg = "#8BE9FD" }, -- Ugly cyan color
  search = {
   hl = "UgSearch", -- Same as above
   hl_color = { bg = "#BD93F9" }, -- Ugly purple color
  comment = {
   hl = "UgComment", -- Same as above
   hl_color = { bg = "#FFB86C" }, -- Ugly purple color
  cursor = {
   hl = "UgCursor", -- Same as above
   hl_color = { bg = "#FF79C6" }, -- Ugly magenta color
 priority = 4096, -- so that it will work with render-markdown.nvim

πŸš€ Quick Start

[!note] This is the exactly configuration that author is dailydriving.

See the example below for how to configure undo-glow.nvim.

 event = { "VeryLazy" },
 ---@type UndoGlow.Config
 opts = {
  animation = {
   enabled = true,
   duration = 300,
   animtion_type = "zoom",
   window_scoped = true,
  highlights = {
   undo = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#693232" }, -- Dark muted red
   redo = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#2F4640" }, -- Dark muted green
   yank = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#7A683A" }, -- Dark muted yellow
   paste = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#325B5B" }, -- Dark muted cyan
   search = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#5C475C" }, -- Dark muted purple
   comment = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#7A5A3D" }, -- Dark muted orange
   cursor = {
    hl_color = { bg = "#793D54" }, -- Dark muted pink
  priority = 2048 * 3,
 keys = {
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Undo with highlight",
   noremap = true,
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Redo with highlight",
   noremap = true,
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Paste below with highlight",
   noremap = true,
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Paste above with highlight",
   noremap = true,
     animation = {
      animation_type = "strobe",
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Search next with highlight",
   noremap = true,
     animation = {
      animation_type = "strobe",
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Search prev with highlight",
   noremap = true,
     animation = {
      animation_type = "strobe",
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Search star with highlight",
   noremap = true,
     animation = {
      animation_type = "strobe",
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Search hash with highlight",
   noremap = true,
    -- This is an implementation to preserve the cursor position
    local pos = vim.fn.getpos(".")
     vim.fn.setpos(".", pos)
    return require("undo-glow").comment()
   mode = { "n", "x" },
   desc = "Toggle comment with highlight",
   expr = true,
   noremap = true,
   mode = "o",
   desc = "Comment textobject with highlight",
   noremap = true,
    return require("undo-glow").comment_line()
   mode = "n",
   desc = "Toggle comment line with highlight",
   expr = true,
   noremap = true,
 init = function()
  vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
   desc = "Highlight when yanking (copying) text",
   callback = function()

  -- This only handles neovim instance and do not highlight when switching panes in tmux
  vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CursorMoved", {
   desc = "Highlight when cursor moved significantly",
   callback = function()
     animation = {
      animation_type = "slide",

  -- This will handle highlights when focus gained, including switching panes in tmux
  vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FocusGained", {
   desc = "Highlight when focus gained",
   callback = function()
    ---@type UndoGlow.CommandOpts
    local opts = {
     animation = {
      animation_type = "slide",

    opts = require("undo-glow.utils").merge_command_opts("UgCursor", opts)
    local current_row = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
    local cur_line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
    require("undo-glow").highlight_region(vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, {
     s_row = current_row - 1,
     s_col = 0,
     e_row = current_row - 1,
     e_col = #cur_line,
     force_edge = opts.force_edge == nil and true or opts.force_edge,

  vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CmdLineLeave", {
   pattern = { "/", "?" },
   desc = "Highlight when search cmdline leave",
   callback = function()
     animation = {
      animation_type = "fade",


undo-glow.nvim comes with simple API and builtin commands for you to hook into your config or DIY.


[!note] These are more like a library of functions that built by me. You can easily copy and paste and add your own logic, like integrate with your existing plugins.

Each builtin commands takes in optional opts take allows to configure color and animation type per command. And the opts type as below:

[!note] Each animation related options can be configured separately. If you don't, it will fallback to the default from your configuration.

---Command options for triggering highlights.
---@class UndoGlow.CommandOpts
---@field hlgroup? string Optional highlight group to use.
---@field animation? UndoGlow.Config.Animation Optional animation configuration.
---@field force_edge? boolean Optional flag to force edge highlighting.

---Animation configuration.
---@class UndoGlow.Config.Animation
---@field enabled? boolean Whether animation is enabled.
---@field duration? number Duration of the highlight animation in milliseconds.
---@field animation_type? UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString|UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn Animation type (a string key or a custom function).
---@field easing? UndoGlow.EasingString|UndoGlow.EasingFn Easing function (a string key or a custom function).
---@field fps? number Frames per second for the animation.
---@field window_scoped? boolean If enabled, the highlight effect is constrained to the current active window, even if the buffer is shared across splits.

Undo Highlights

---Undo command that highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
vim.keymap.set("n", "u", require("undo-glow").undo, { noremap = true, desc = "Undo with highlight" })

Redo Highlights

---Redo command that highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-r>", require("undo-glow").redo, { noremap = true, desc = "Redo with highlight" })

Yank Highlights

[!WARNING] This is not a command and it is designed to be used in autocmd callback.

---Yank command that highlights.
---For autocmd usage only.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
 desc = "Highlight when yanking (copying) text",
 callback = function()

Paste Highlights

---Paste below command with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil

---Paste above command with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
vim.keymap.set("n", "p", require("undo-glow").paste_below, { noremap = true, desc = "Paste below with highlight" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "P", require("undo-glow").paste_above, { noremap = true, desc = "Paste above with highlight" })

Search Highlights

---Highlight current line after a search is performed.
---For autocmd usage only.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil

---Search next command with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil

---Search prev command with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil

---Search star (*) command with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil

---Search star (#) command with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
vim.keymap.set("n", "n", require("undo-glow").search_next, { noremap = true, desc = "Search next with highlight" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "N", require("undo-glow").search_prev, { noremap = true, desc = "Search previous with highlight" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "*", require("undo-glow").search_star, { noremap = true, desc = "Search * with highlight" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "#", require("undo-glow").search_hash, { noremap = true, desc = "Search # with highlight" })

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CmdLineLeave", {
 pattern = { "/", "?" },
 desc = "Highlight when search cmdline leave",
 callback = function()
   animation = {
    animation_type = "fade",

Comment Highlights

---Comment with `gc` in `n` and `x` mode with highlights.
---Requires `expr` = true in ``vim.keymap.set`
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return string|nil expression String for expression and nil for non-expression

---Comment with `gc` in `o` mode. E.g. gcip, gcap, etc with highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil

---Comment lines with `gcc` with highlights.
---Requires `expr` = true in ``vim.keymap.set`
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return string expression String for expression
require("undo-glow").comment_line(opts) -- Comment lines with `gcc`.
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "gc", require("undo-glow").comment, { expr = true, noremap = true, desc = "Toggle comment with highlight" })
vim.keymap.set("o", "gc", require("undo-glow").comment_text_object, { noremap = true, desc = "Comment textobject with highlight" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "gcc", require("undo-glow").comment_line, { expr = true, noremap = true, desc = "Toggle comment line with highlight" })

Significant Cursor Moved Highlights

Best effort to imitate beacon.nvim functionality. Highlights when:

  • Cursor moved more than 10 steps away
  • On buffer load
  • Split view supported
  • Only in normal mode (I think it make sense)

For now the following are ignored:

  • Preview windows
  • Floating windows
  • Buffers that are not text buffers
  • Filetypes that are passed in to be ignored

[!NOTE] Window scoped highlight is disabled by default. To avoid splitted view with same buffer sharing the same highlight, you need to either set animation.window_scoped = true in your config, or pass { animation = { window_scoped = tue } } to the cursor_moved opts.

[!WARNING] This is not a command and it is designed to be used in autocmd callback.

If you would like to avoid cursor_changed to highlight in other places of your code, you can add vim.g.ug_ignore_cursor_moved = true to any of your running function, and it will temporarily set to ignore the cursor_moved highlights.

---Cursor move command that highlights.
---For autocmd usage only.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@param ignored_ft? table<string> Optional filetypes to ignore
---@return nil
require("undo-glow").cursor_moved(opts, ignored_ft)
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CursorMoved", {
 desc = "Highlight when cursor moved significantly",
 callback = function()

-- Ignore certain filetype
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CursorMoved", {
 desc = "Highlight when cursor moved significantly",
 callback = function()
  require("undo-glow").cursor_moved(_, { "mason", "lazy", ... })

Do-it-yourself APIs

undo-glow.nvim also provides APIs to create your own highlights that are not supported out of the box. Under the hood, all the builtin commands are created with these APIs.

Highlight text changes

---Options for highlight changes API.
---@class UndoGlow.HighlightChanges
---@field hlgroup? string Optional highlight group to use.
---@field animation? UndoGlow.Config.Animation Optional animation configuration.
---@field force_edge? boolean Optional flag to force edge highlighting.

---Animation configuration.
---@class UndoGlow.Config.Animation
---@field enabled? boolean Whether animation is enabled.
---@field duration? number Duration of the highlight animation in milliseconds.
---@field animation_type? UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString|UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn Animation type (a string key or a custom function).
---@field easing? UndoGlow.EasingString|UndoGlow.EasingFn Easing function (a string key or a custom function).
---@field fps? number Frames per second for the animation.
---@field window_scoped? boolean If enabled, the highlight effect is constrained to the current active window, even if the buffer is shared across splits.

---Core API to highlight changes in the current buffer.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.HighlightChanges|UndoGlow.CommandOpts
---@return nil
function some_action()
  hlgroup = "hlgroup",
 do_something_here() -- some action that will cause text changes

--- then you can use it to bind to anywhere just like before. Undo and redo command are fundamentally doing the same thing.
vim.keymap.set("n", "key_that_you_like", some_action, { silent = true })
---Undo command that highlights.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
function M.undo(opts)
 opts = require("undo-glow.utils").merge_command_opts("UgUndo", opts)
 pcall(vim.cmd, "undo")

Highlight any region of your choice

---Options for highlight region API.
---@class UndoGlow.HighlightRegion
---@field hlgroup? string Optional highlight group to use.
---@field animation? UndoGlow.Config.Animation Optional animation configuration.
---@field force_edge? boolean Optional flag to force edge highlighting.
---@field s_row integer Start row
---@field s_col integer Start column
---@field e_row integer End row
---@field e_col integer End column

---Animation configuration.
---@class UndoGlow.Config.Animation
---@field enabled? boolean Whether animation is enabled.
---@field duration? number Duration of the highlight animation in milliseconds.
---@field animation_type? UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString|UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn Animation type (a string key or a custom function).
---@field easing? UndoGlow.EasingString|UndoGlow.EasingFn Easing function (a string key or a custom function).
---@field fps? number Frames per second for the animation.
---@field window_scoped? boolean If enabled, the highlight effect is constrained to the current active window, even if the buffer is shared across splits.

---Core API to highlight a specified region in the current buffer.
---@param opts UndoGlow.HighlightRegion
---@return nil
Usage Example
function some_action()
 -- Do some calculation here and get the region coordinates that you want to highlight as below
 -- s_row integer
 -- s_col integer
 -- e_row integer
 -- e_col integer
 local region = get_region() --- This is a sample function

 -- And then pass those coordinates to the highlight_region function
  hlgroup = "hlgroup",
  s_row = region.s_row,
  s_col = region.s_col,
  e_row = region.e_row,
  e_col = region.e_col,

--- then you can use it to bind to anywhere just like before. Undo and redo command are fundamentally doing the same thing.
vim.keymap.set("n", "key_that_you_like", some_action, { silent = true })
---Yank command that highlights.
---For autocmd usage only.
---@param opts? UndoGlow.CommandOpts Optional command option
---@return nil
function M.yank(opts)
 opts = require("undo-glow.utils").merge_command_opts("UgYank", opts)

 local pos = vim.fn.getpos("'[")
 local pos2 = vim.fn.getpos("']")

 require("undo-glow").highlight_region(vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, {
  s_row = pos[2] - 1,
  s_col = pos[3] - 1,
  e_row = pos2[2] - 1,
  e_col = pos2[3],

Lazy Mode: Creating an autocmd that will highlight anything that changed

[!WARNING] I personally don't use this in my config, but it should work just fine. Use at your own risk!

-- Also add `BufReadPost` so that it will also highlight for first changes
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPost", "TextChanged" }, {
 pattern = "*",
 callback = function()
  -- Either provide a list of ignored filetypes
  local ignored_filetypes = { "mason", "snacks_picker_list", "lazy" }
  if vim.tbl_contains(ignored_filetypes, vim.bo.filetype) then

  -- or just use buftype to ignore all other type
  if vim.bo.buftype ~= "" then

  -- then run undo-glow with your desired hlgroup
   hlgroup = "UgUndo",

🎨 Hlgroups

Existing hlgroups

The default colors are fairly ugly in my opinion, but they are sharp enough for any themes. You should change the color to whatever you like.

Opts Key Default Group Color Code (Background)
undo UgUndo #FF5555
redo UguRedo #50FA7B
yank UgYank #F1FA8C
paste UgPaste #8BE9FD
search UgSearch #BD93F9
comment UgComment #FFB86C
cursor UgCursor #FF79C6

Overiding hlgroups and colors (internally)

You can easily override the colors from configuration opts. And the types are as below:

---@field highlights? table<"undo" | "redo" | "yank" | "paste" | "search" | "comment", { hl: string, hl_color: UndoGlow.HlColor }>

---Highlight color information.
---@class UndoGlow.HlColor
---@field bg string Background color as a hex string.
---@field fg? string Optional foreground color as a hex string.

By setting hlgroup name to other value, the plugin will grab the colors of the target hlgroup and apply to it. For example:

[!note] If you specify a hl other than the default, you no longer need to specify the hl_color key, as it will be ignored.

-- βœ… Valid
  undo = {
   hl = "Cursor",

-- βœ… Valid
  undo = {
   hl_color = { bg = "#FF5555" },

-- βœ… Valid but hl_color with be ignored
  undo = {
   hl = "Cursor",
   hl_color = { bg = "#FF5555" },

Overiding hlgroups and colors (externally)

[!note] It's recommended to set the colors from the configuration table.

The most common way to override the colors externally are with vim.api.nvim_set_hl. Note that setting up this way will take precedent than undo-glow.nvim configurations.

-- Link to other hlgroups
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "UgYank", { link = "CurSearch" })
-- Set specific colors directly
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "UgYank", { bg = "#F4DBD6", fg = "#24273A" })

Or if you're using snacks.nvim, you can do as below:

-- Link to other hlgroups
Snacks.util.set_hl({ UgYank = "Cursor" })
-- Set specific colors directly
Snacks.util.set_hl({ UgYank = { bg = "#CBA6F7", fg = "#11111B" } })

[!note] You don't have to set anything for the configuration opts if you're setting it in other places.

πŸ’Ž Animations & Easings


[!note] Animation is off by default. You can turn it on in your config with animation.enabled = true.

undo-glow.nvim comes with numerous default animations out of the box and can be toggled on and off and swap globally or per action (incuding your custom actions).

[!note] If you wish to, every different action can have different animation configurations.

---@alias UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString "fade" <- default | "fade_reverse" | "blink" | "pulse" | "jitter" | "spring" | "desaturate" | "strobe" | "zoom" | "rainbow" | "slide"
---@alias UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn fun(opts: UndoGlow.Animation)

---@field animation_type? UndoGlow.AnimationTypeString | UndoGlow.AnimationTypeFn A animation_type string or function that does the animation

Animation previews

No Animation

Static highlight and will be cleared after a duration immediately.


Fade (Default)

Gradually decreases the opacity of the highlight, creating a smooth fade-out effect.


Fade Reverse

Opposite of fade, gradually increases opacity of the highlight, creating a smooth fade-in effect.



Toggles the highlight on and off at a fixed interval, similar to a cursor blink.



Alternates the highlight intensity in a rhythmic manner, creating a breathing effect.



Rapidly moves or shifts the highlight slightly, giving a shaky or vibrating appearance.



Overshoots the target color and then settles, mimicking a spring-like motion.



Gradually reduces the color saturation, muting the highlight over time.



Rapidly toggles between two colors to simulate a strobe light effect.



Briefly increases brightness to simulate a zoom or spotlight effect before returning to normal.



Cycles through hues smoothly, creating a rainbow-like transition effect.



Moves the highlight horizontally to the right across the text before fading out.


Changing animation from configuration

Animation type in string
-- configuration opts
 animation = {
  --- rest of configurations
  animation_type = "jitter" -- one of the builtins
  --- rest of configurations
Animation type in function

[!warning] This API is just re-exported from the source code and that's exactly how the animation internally works. There's a lot of manual configuration for now, and I don't think lots of people will want to configure their own animation. But hey, if you need to, it's there for you.

---Parameters for an animation.
---@class UndoGlow.Animation
---@field bufnr integer Buffer number.
---@field ns integer Namespace id.
---@field hlgroup string Highlight group name.
---@field extmark_ids? integer[] Extmark identifiers.
---@field start_bg UndoGlow.RGBColor Starting background color.
---@field end_bg UndoGlow.RGBColor Ending background color.
---@field start_fg? UndoGlow.RGBColor Optional starting foreground color.
---@field end_fg? UndoGlow.RGBColor Optional ending foreground color.
---@field duration number Animation duration in milliseconds.
---@field config UndoGlow.Config Configuration for undo-glow.
---@field state UndoGlow.State Current state of the highlight.
---@field coordinates UndoGlow.RowCol Current sanitized coordinates

---Represents a region (row/column coordinates) in the buffer.
---@class UndoGlow.RowCol
---@field s_row integer Start row.
---@field s_col integer Start column.
---@field e_row integer End row.
---@field e_col integer End column.

-- configuration opts
 animation = {
  ---rest of configurations
  ---@param opts UndoGlow.Animation The animation options.
  ---@return boolean|nil status Return `false` to fallback to fade
  animation_type = function(opts)
   --- Sometimes thing just don't work and if your custom animation don't support certain thing

   --- First create an extmark to be used later by appending the opts for `extmark_ids`
   local extmark_id = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark() -- refer next section for detail on how

   --- Merge extmark_id to opts.extmark_ids table
   --- We can then use the extmark during the animation and all extmarks here will be cleared after the animation ends.
   table.insert(opts.extmark_ids, extmark_id)

   --- You can return false, and it will fallback to `fade` animation.
   --- E.g. since `e_col` will always be 0 if you highlight with visual block, it will be troublesome to do calculation.
   if should_fallback then
    return false

   ---@param opts UndoGlow.Animation The animation options.
   ---@param animate_fn fun(progress: number, end_animation: function): UndoGlow.HlColor|nil A function that receives the current progress (0 = start, 1 = end) and return the hl colors or nothing.
   ---@return nil
   require("undo-glow").animate_start(opts, function(progress, end_animation)
    -- do something for your animation
    -- normally you will do some calculation with the progress value (0 = start, 1 = end)
    -- you also have access to the current extmark via `opts.extmark_ids`

    -- Just in case you have some edge cases that you would like to end the animation
    -- You can use this function
    if should_end_animation then

    -- lastly, return the bg and fg (optional) if you want the color to be set automatically or...
    -- not return anything, but you need to set the color yourself in this function
    return hl_opts
  --- rest of configurations
Example using blink animation from source code
-- configuration opts
 animation = {
  --- rest of configurations
  animation_type = function(opts)
   local extmark_opts =
     bufnr = opts.bufnr,
     hlgroup = opts.hlgroup,
     s_row = opts.coordinates.s_row,
     s_col = opts.coordinates.s_col,
     e_row = opts.coordinates.e_row,
     e_col = opts.coordinates.e_col,
     priority = opts.config.priority,
     force_edge = opts.state.force_edge,
     window_scoped = opts.state.animation.window_scoped,

   local extmark_id = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(

   table.insert(opts.extmark_ids, extmark_id)

   require("undo-glow").animate_start(opts, function(progress)
    local blink_period = 200
    local phase = (progress * opts.duration % blink_period)
     < (blink_period / 2)

    if phase then
     return {
      bg = require("undo-glow.color").rgb_to_hex(
      fg = opts.start_fg
        and require("undo-glow.color").rgb_to_hex(
       or nil,
     return {
      bg = require("undo-glow.color").rgb_to_hex(opts.end_bg),
      fg = opts.end_fg
        and require("undo-glow.color").rgb_to_hex(
       or nil,
  --- rest of configurations


undo-glow.nvim comes with a handful of default easing options as below (Thanks to EmmanuelOga/easing) . Feel free to send PRs for more interesting easings.

[!note] Not all animation supports easing. Only fade (default) and fade_reverse and slide supports easing. If you use other animation and set easing, it will just get ignored.

[!warning] Easing wil be ignored if animation.enabled is off. Make sure you turn it on if you want easing.

Builtin easings

---@alias UndoGlow.EasingString "linear" | "in_quad" | "out_quad" | "in_out_quad" | "out_in_quad" | "in_cubic" | "out_cubic" | "in_out_cubic" | "out_in_cubic" | "in_quart" | "out_quart" | "in_out_quart" | "out_in_quart" | "in_quint" | "out_quint" | "in_out_quint" | "out_in_quint" | "in_sine" | "out_sine" | "in_out_sine" | "out_in_sine" | "in_expo" | "out_expo" | "in_out_expo" | "out_in_expo" | "in_circ" | "out_circ" | "in_out_circ" | "out_in_circ" | "in_elastic" | "out_elastic" | "in_out_elastic" | "out_in_elastic" | "in_back" | "out_back" | "in_out_back" | "out_in_back" | "in_bounce" | "out_bounce" | "in_out_bounce" | "out_in_bounce"

require("undo-glow").easing.in_out_cubic -- default

Changing easing from configuration with builtin

Easing in string
-- configuration opts
 animation = {
  --- rest of configurations
  easing = "ease_in_sine"
  --- rest of configurations
Easing in function
-- configuration opts
 animation = {
  --- rest of configurations
  easing = function(easing_opts)
   -- do some calculation
   return integer
  --- rest of configurations

Overriding easing properties

[!note] The easing function should always return an integer!

---Options passed to easing functions.
---@class UndoGlow.EasingOpts
---@field time number Elapsed time (e.g. a progress value between 0 and 1).
---@field begin? number Optional start value.
---@field change? number Optional change value (ending minus beginning).
---@field duration? number Optional total duration.
---@field amplitude? number Optional amplitude (for elastic easing).
---@field period? number Optional period (for elastic easing).
---@field overshoot? number Optional overshoot (for back easing).

---@param easing_opts UndoGlow.EasingOpts
---@return integer
easing = function(easing_opts)
 -- Override any properties you like
 -- You can refer to the source code of what opts are taking in from each easing function.
 easing_opts.duration = 2
 -- Then pass the `easing_opts` back to the function
 return require("undo-glow").easing.in_back(easing_opts)

Custom easing functions

Other than the defaults, you can also create your own easing function like below.

---@param easing_opts UndoGlow.EasingOpts
---@return integer
function my_custom_easing(easing_opts)
 easing_opts.begin = 0
 easing_opts.change = 1
 easing_opts.duration = 1

 return easing_opts.change * easing_opts.time / easing_opts.duration + easing_opts.begin

🀝 Contributing

Read the documentation carefully before submitting any issue.

Feature and pull requests are welcome.